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runway visibility value
avia. 跑道能见度值 (是用视距测量计测定跑道的能见度。视距测量计为跑道提供连续的能见度读数 (单位是 mile )。跑道能见度值用来替代流行的能见度来确定特定跑道的最小能见度)
el. 跑道能见度值
 English thesaurus
runway visibility value
avia., amer. In respect of a runway, the maximum horizontal distance in feet for the direction of takeoff or landing, as measured by an automated visual landing distance system and reported by an ATC unit or an FSS, at which the runway, or the lights or markers delineating it, can be seen from a point above its centreline at a height corresponding to the average eye level of pilots at touchdown
Runway Visibility Value
abbr., scottish RVV
aeron., abbr. RW