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gen. 探究
eng.geol. 探讨; 勘查
environ. 研究
hydroel.st. 调查; 分析; 探索
sport. 考査
tech. 研究; 调查研究
| and
| study
gen. 书房
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
research [rɪ'sɜ:ʧ] n
gen. 探究; 〔科学〕研究; 科学,学术研究; 探索〔测,讨,究〕; 追究
avia. 研究用; 试验用
busin. 考查; 调研
econ. 考察; 调査; 调〔检,勘〕 査
el. 研制
eng.geol. 探讨; 勘查
hydroel.st. 调查; 分析; 探索
sport. 考査
tech. 研究; 调查研究
researches n
chem. 研究报告
tech. 研究工作
research Scientific investigation aimed at discovering and applying new facts, techniques and natural laws [rɪ'sɜ:ʧ] n
environ. 研究 (以发现和应用新真相、技术和自然规律为目的科学研究。)
research [rɪ'sɜ:ʧ] v
archit. 周密调查; 勘察
 English thesaurus
research [rɪ'sɜ:ʧ] abbr.
abbr., qual.cont. res.
mil., abbr. rsch
research and study
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
Earth sciences1
Name of organization1