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rake off ['reɪk'ɔf]
securit. 不当回扣; 获取非法佣金; 分去部分资金
rake-off ['reɪkɔf]
gen. 非法交易等的佣金
busin. 非法交易中佣金
econ. 经纪人
interntl.trade. 佣金; 回扣
law 赌博中庄家的抽头; 非法所得
met. 撇除 (浮渣); 扒除 (炉渣: Next the furnace is tilted and the slag raked off into the ladle on the left of the diagram; it is replaced by a slag, composed of lime, fluorspar and sometimes carbon. 接着,将炉子倾斜,将炉渣扒除到图中左侧的渣罐中,然后再造由石灰、萤石,有时含有碳的新渣代替。)
polo. 赛马赌金的抽成; 抽头
tech. 耙出
textile 手续费
rake off
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects