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XC abbr.
securit. 无息票 (ex coupon); 除息票 (ex coupon)
 English thesaurus
XC abbr.
abbr. eXtended Configuration (IBM, ESA, VM); X Computer; experimental cargo (plane)
abbr., avia. chief of center; X-coordinate
abbr., busin. ex capitalization; coupon
abbr., commun. Cross Connect
abbr., cyc.sport cross-country
abbr., cycl. cross country
abbr., el. exchange and correlation; exclusive OR; external call
abbr., genet. X-chromosome
abbr., IT Constant image of X server screen Bitmap graphics
abbr., mil., avia. cross connection
abbr., progr., IT Cross- Compiler
abbr., sport. Cross Country
abbr., telecom. cross-connect; cross-connection
abbr., textile Xtra Cheap
tech. ex coupon; X-computer
XC. abbr.
abbr., lat. Christus (Jesus Christ, middle and last letters of the Greek name)
XC# abbr.
abbr. eXtended C# language
XC\# abbr.
abbr., progr., IT eXtended C\# language
Xc abbr.
abbr. capacitive reactance
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects