
   English Bulgarian
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construct. модулен
| logistic
forestr. логистичен
| installation
construct. монтаж
econ. инсталация
of a | level
comp., MS ниво
| superior
agric. отборен
| to
forestr. лепя
that of the regiment | including
gen. включващ
| functional zones
 functional zone
construct. функционална зона
capable of | supplying
agric. снабдителен
| a
gen. 1. с.х. отборен
logistic support in its various | domains
comp., MS област
of | responsibility
environ. отговорност
It is organized | and
comp., MS И
is commanded by an | unique
IT отделен посетител
| authority
forestr. власт
the | orders
commer. el. заявка
of the | commander
transp. avia. командир
of the | force
law сила
of the | considered
gen. смятам
| level
comp., MS ниво
of which it | takes
agric. улов
then | naming
proced.law. определяне на фамилното име
joint theatre logistic base land logistic base divisional logistic base brigade logistic base
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
modular ['mɔdjulə] adj.
construct. модулен
 English thesaurus
modular ['mɔdjulə] abbr.
abbr., IT mod
abbr., oil modu
: 42 phrases in 3 subjects