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A term that describes the | general
gen. генерал
comp., MS за всички; Обща информация
| position
agric. местообитание
forestr. местоположение
polit. позиция
of the | aircraft
environ. летателен апарат, самолет
in relation to a | fix
construct. укрепвам
| point
environ. точка
| or
comp., MS ИЛИ
| object
comp., MS обект
when that | fix
construct. укрепвам
| point
environ. точка
| or
comp., MS ИЛИ
| object
comp., MS обект
is | approximately
forestr. приблизително
90 | to
forestr. лепя
the | right
agric. право
| or
comp., MS ИЛИ
| left
forestr. ляв
of the | aircraft
transp. avia. въздухоплавателно средство
| track
comp., MS запис
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
 English thesaurus
A Term
abbr. air terminal
A term that
: 1 phrase in 1 subject