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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
fog [fɔg] n
gen. zamglenie gęste
anal.chem. zadymienie n (of a photographic emulsion)
chem. mgła
environ. mgła (zawiesina mikroskopijnych kropelek pary wodnej unosząca się nisko nad ziemią w postaci lekkiego obłoku, powstała w wyniku skroplenia oziębionej pary wodnej zawartej w atmosferze ziemskiej, poważnie ogranicza pole widzenia; Water droplets or, rarely, ice crystals suspended in the air in sufficient concentration to reduce visibility appreciably)
glass zamglenie n
meteorol. mgła pyłowa
photo. zadymienie n
 English thesaurus
fog [fɔg] n
inf. friction and flexibility
FOG [fɔg] abbr.
abbr. Factor Of Gobbledegook; Feet On Ground; Feminist Occupation Government; Field Operation Guide; Frequency Of Gobbledygook; Fat Old Guy; Fiber-Optics Guided; fixed obligation grant (4uzhoj); Flag Officer, Germany
abbr., avia. fiber optic guidance; fiber optic gyros; finger on glass
abbr., el. form overlay generator
abbr., file.ext. First Osborne Group
abbr., food.ind. Fat Oil And Grease
abbr., inet. Four Old Guys
abbr., IT Fontographer Database File
abbr., med. Flare Out Growth
abbr., mil. Fats Oils And Grease; Fiber Optic Guided; Fiber Optic Gyro; Field Operations Guide for Disaster Assessment and Response
abbr., nautic. For Our Guidance
abbr., O&G, casp. field operations guide (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., opt. fiber optic gyroscope
abbr., relig. Focus On God
abbr., scient. Fats Oil And Grease
abbr., scottish Fibre Optics Guidance; Fibre Optics Gyro
abbr., sewage fats, oils and greases (igisheva)
abbr., tech. fiber optic gyro (MichaelBurov); fiber optic gyroscope (MichaelBurov)
abbr., transp. Feet On The Ground
airports, avia. Foggia, Italy
mil. fiber-optic guidance; fiber-optic gyroscope; flight operations group
tech. frequency offset generator
FOGs abbr.
abbr., space fiber optical gyroscopes
FOGS abbr.
abbr. functioning of the GATT system
FOG [fɔg] abbr.
abbr., avia. fiber optical gyro
abbr., busin. flow of gold
abbr., earth.sc. fats, oils, and grease
abbr., oil field operating guide
abbr., space fiber-optics guidance; fiber-optics gyro
abbr., sport., physiol. fast oxidative glycolytic
abbr., tech. fiber-optic gyro (MichaelBurov); fiberoptic gyro (MichaelBurov); optical fiber gyro (MichaelBurov)
: 17 phrases in 9 subjects
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