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noun | abbreviation
mud [mʌd] n
gen. poll (Yerkwantai)
 English thesaurus
MUD [mʌd] abbr.
abbr. Multiple User Dungeon; Municipal Utility District; matched unrelated donor
abbr., comp., net., IT Multiple User Domain
abbr., el. multi-user dungeon; master user directory; microprocessor debugger
abbr., file.ext. Multi-User Dialogue/Dimension/Domain/Dungeon (Internet)
abbr., IT Multi User Dimension; Multi User Dimensional; Multi User Domain; Multi User Dungeon; Multi-Users dimension; Multiple User Dimension; multi user dimensions (Dungeons Bricker)
abbr., med. Matched Unrelated Donor - For Bone Marrow Transplant; matched unrelated donor (harser); Matched Unrelated Donor; minimal urticarial reaction-producing close
abbr., mil., air.def. multi-users dialog
abbr., oncol., med. Matched Urelated Donor - for bone marrow transplant
tech. multi-user dialog
mud [mʌd] abbr.
abbr., cartogr. m
abbr., oil md
O&G wt mud weight
MUDS abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. military integrated intelligence database system
abbr., space mobile user objective system; multichannel UHF distribution system
MUD [mʌd] abbr.
abbr., avia. mock-up drawings
abbr., bridge. medium up down
abbr., comp., net. multi-user dungeon
abbr., comp.games. multi-user dimension
abbr., IT multi-user detection; multi-user dialogue
abbr., sport. Multi-user Dungeon; Middle-Up-Down
abbr., telecom. multiuser domain/dimension/dungeon