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gen. nas fhaide
gen. as fhaide air falbh
gen. a bharrachd; a thuilleadh; nas fhaide; cuir air adhart
| point
gen. puing; phuing; tomh
| in
gen. a stigh
| elliptical
gen. eilipseach
| orbit
gen. cuairt
| from
gen. bho
| earth
gen. talamh
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
further ['fɜ:ðə] adj.
gen. a bharrachd (Yerkwantai); a thuilleadh (Yerkwantai); nas fhaide; cuir air adhart (Yerkwantai)
farthest ['fɑ:ðɪst] adj.
gen. as fhaide air falbh
farther ['fɑ:ðə] adj.
gen. nas fhaide
furthest ['fɜːðɪst, 'fɜːrðɪst] adj.
abbr., meteorol. as fhaide air falbh
: 4 phrases in 1 subject