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coach [kəuʧ] n
gen. carbad (Yerkwantai); coidse
 English thesaurus
COACH [kəuʧ] abbr.
abbr., ed. Contract Observe And Assess Constructively And Handle
abbr., el. customer operated automatic checkout
abbr., med. Canada's Health Informatics Association. Association Canadienne D'informatique De La Santé (Previously: Canadian Organization For Advancement Of Computers In Health); Canadian Organization For The Advancement Of Computers In Health (syndrome); Cerebellar Vermis Hypoplasia/aplasia-oligophrenia-congenital Ataxia-ocular Colobomata-hepatic Fibrosis (syndrome)
abbr., sport. Comprehensive Online Access To Coaching Help; Considerate, Optimist, Attentive, Confident, And Humanistic
coach [kəuʧ] n
transp. carrosse
Coach [kəuʧ] n
sport., abbr. C