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PBM graymap | image
gen. ìomhaigh
| format
gen. cruth
Bitmap graphics
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

 English thesaurus
PBM abbr.
abbr. Person Below Me; Pharmacy Benefit Manager; Plastic Building Materials; Play By Mail game
abbr., agric. poultry blood meal
abbr., avia. process based management; power plant build-up manual; program budget memorandum; program business management
abbr., cartogr. precise bench mark
abbr., earth.sc. proceed backward magnetic tape
abbr., el. packet burst mode; policy-based management; propagating beam method
abbr., el., scient. Portable bitmap image format
abbr., environ. Prescribed Burn Monitoring
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Partial Body Morph
abbr., file.ext. Planar bitmap graphics (XLib)
abbr., food.ind. Peanut Butter and Mayonnaise
abbr., IT Planar bitmap graphics; Portable Bit Map; Poskanzer's Portable Bit Map format file; Public BookMark
abbr., med. Peak Bone Mass; Peripheral Basement Membrane; Peripheral Blood Mononuclear (cell); Placental Basement Membrane; patient blood management (Maya M)
abbr., media. Poetry By Mark
abbr., mil., avia. pulse-burst modulation
abbr., multimed. portable bitmap
abbr., NGO Pingat Bakti Masyarakat (национальная награда Сингапура Ying)
abbr., oil pipe burying machine
abbr., physiol., med. Perpetual Bad Mood
abbr., pipes. pipe beveling machine (кромкофрезерная машина; фаскосниматель; торцеватель; машина для снятия фасок MichaelBurov)
abbr., post Postal Booklet Machine
abbr., progr., IT Portable Binary Map
abbr., sec.sys., IT Partition Boot Manager; Passwords By Mask
abbr., space perigee boost motor
abbr., sport. Phoot Ball Manager; Play By Mail
abbr., vet.med. porcine bone marrow (iwona)
airports, avia. Paramaribo, Suriname
mil. permanent bench mark; principal beachmaster
oil, abbr. product base memorandum
tech. push-button mining
.PBM abbr.
IT image/x-portable-bitmap