
   English Scottish Gaelic
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gen. dòigh; modh; rian
| adapted
gen. freagraich; atharrachadh
gen. air atharrachadh
| to the
 to the
gen. dhan
| prevailing
gen. gnàthach
| conditions
gen. cumha; cùmhnant
| by
gen. le
| which
gen. a tha
an | effect
gen. èifeachd
| is
gen. tha
| achieved
gen. air a choileanadh
or a | goal
sport. bàir
| is
gen. tha
reached. It is the | sum
math. suim
| of
gen. de
| the
gen. na
| elementary
gen. bunasach
| actions
comp. gnìomh
| which
gen. a tha
have | to
gen. ris
| be
gen. bhith
| accomplished
gen. deàrn
| simultaneously
gen. aig an aon àm
| or
gen. no
| successively
gen. an sreath a chèile
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
method ['meθəd] n
gen. dòigh (Yerkwantai); modh (Yerkwantai); rian (Yerkwantai)
 English thesaurus
method ['meθəd] abbr.
abbr. meth
abbr., polym. meth.; mthd
: 2 phrases in 1 subject