
   English Scottish Gaelic
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gen. cuideachadh
| limited
gen. cuibhrichte
| in time
 in time
gen. àmail
| provided
gen. air a thoirt seachad
| by
gen. le
a | body
gen. bodhaig; corp
| to
gen. ris; gu
| another
gen. eile
| upon
gen. air
| request
gen. dùrachd
| of
gen. de
| the
gen. na
| latter
gen. mu dheireadh
| to
gen. ris
| upgrade
gen. ùrachadh
its | capabilities
gen. comas
| in
gen. a stigh
a | specific
gen. mion-fhiosrachadh
| technical
gen. teicnigeach
| domain
gen. àrainn
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

assistance [ə'sɪst(ə)ns] n
gen. cuideachadh