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precipitation [prɪ'sɪpɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n] n
agric. precipitáre f; sedimentáre f
chem. depunerea precipitatului
construct. sedlmentare f
forestr. precipitáții atmosférice; cantitate de precipitații
precipitations n
agric. precipitații; depuneri f; precipitát n; sedimént n
meteorol. precipitáții atmosférice
precipitation The process of producing a separable solid phase within a liquid medium; represents the formation of a new condensed phase, such as a vapour or gas condensing to liquid droplets; a new solid phase gradually precipitates within a solid alloy as a result of slow, inner chemical reaction; in analytical chemistry, precipitation is used to separate a solid phase in an aqueous solution; chemical [prɪ'sɪpɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n] n
environ. precipitáre f (chimică)
 English thesaurus
precipitation [prɪ'sɪpɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n] abbr.
abbr. precip
abbr., agric. ppn
abbr., biol. ppta
abbr., chem. pptn
abbr., polym. pcpn; pptn.
avia., Canada Any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapour that is deposited on the earth’s surface
Precipitation [prɪ'sɪpɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n] n
meteorol., abbr. P
: 9 phrases in 4 subjects