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Interim Agreement
 Interim Agreement
fin. acord interimar
on | trade
agric. meserie; profesiune; industrie; ramură de industrie; exploatare; comerț
and | trade
agric. meserie; profesiune
| related
agric. înrudit
| matters
agric. muncă
between the | European Community
 European Community
forestr. Comunitatea Economică Europeană
of the one | part
law parte
and the | United Mexican States
 United Mexican States
geogr. USA Statele Unite Mexicane
of the | other
comp., MS Altele
| part
law parte

to phrases
Interim Agreement
fin. acord interimar
interim agreement EU
econ. acord interimar (UE)
Interim Agreement: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
Social science4