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noun | adjective | adverb | noun | to phrases
super ['s(j)u:pə] n
gen. načelnik; domar; nadzornik
econ. hiper (pref.)
super ['s(j)u:pə] adj.
gen. izvanredan; super
construct. najbolji; najkvalitetniji; površinski
law, lat. dodatni; iznad; kvalitetniji; na vrhu; prvorazredan; sjajan; superioran; vanredan; veći; veoma; viši po činu ili rangu (греч. hyper)
tech. superheterodin
super- adj.
tech. iznad; više (prefiks)
super ['s(j)u:pə] adv.
polygr. pre (u složencama); previše (u složencama)
 English thesaurus
super ['s(j)u:pə] n
cinema superimposition (Nuraishat)
supers. abbr.
abbr. supersaturated
supers abbr.
abbr., adv. superimpositions
SUPERS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. supersaturated
super ['s(j)u:pə] abbr.
abbr. superintendent (Val_Ships); supervisor (Val_Ships)
mil. superintendant (КГА)
super ['s(j)u:pə] abbr.
abbr. superficial; superimpose; supermarket; superscript; nec plus ultra (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., busin. superfine
abbr., med. superficies
SUPER ['s(j)u:pə] abbr.
abbr., el. submicron positive dry etch resist
abbr., el., scient. Special Unlimited Personal Electronic Resources
abbr., mil., avia. support program for extraterrestrial research
abbr., progr., IT Simplified Universal Player Encoder & Renderer
abbr., scient. Service Unique President Executive And Relationship; Students United Promoting Entertainment And Recreation
tech. system used for prediction and evaluation of reliability
super. abbr.
abbr. supercalendered; superficies; superfine
abbr., earth.sc. superlative
abbr., libr. super-calendered paper
Super ['s(j)u:pə] abbr.
abbr., med. superior
textile, abbr. S
super het. ['s(j)u:pə] abbr.
abbr. superheterodyne (receiver)
"Super" adj.
avia., Canada An expression used to specifically identify the Airbus A-380-800 A388 and the Antonov An-225 A225 in a separate and heavier category than that of "heavy" aircraft, as defined by the FAA
: 47 phrases in 11 subjects
Information technology1
Oil / petroleum4