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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
sabre ['seɪbə] n
fr. sablja
sabre ['seɪbə] v
fr. sabljom saseći; pokositi
 English thesaurus
SABRE ['seɪbə] abbr.
abbr. Semi Automated Business Reservation Environment; Semi-Automatic Business Related Environment (OS, IBM 7090)
abbr., el. secure airborne bombing radar equipment; semiautomated business research environment; silicon-added bilayer resist; steerable adaptive broadcast receiving equipment; store access bus recording equipment
abbr., file.ext. Semi-Automatic Business Research Environment
abbr., mil. Single Army Battlefield Requirements Evaluator; Software Architecture Based Requirements Engineering; Shallow-water Assault Breaching (system)
abbr., nautic., scient. South Atlantic Bight Recruitment Experiment
abbr., scottish Self-Aligning Boost & Re-Entry; Shallow-water Assault Breaching
abbr., tradem. St. Albans Bangor Racing Equipment
mil. SAGE battery routing equipment; system to assist with battlefield reconstitution
tech. secure airborne radar equipment
SABRE ['seɪbə] abbr.
abbr., space self-aligning boost and reentry
-SABRE abbr.
abbr., missil. self-aligning boost and reentry
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects