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gen. pretvaranje; konverzija
archit. adaptacija
cleric. preobraćanje
comp., MS konverzija
law zloupotreba; asimilacija
polit. promena mišljenja
relig. nedozvoljeno raspolaganje; preinačenje
| of
gen. nedostajati
| olefins
photo. olefini
| to
gen. k
| distillate
chem. destilat
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | adjective | to phrases
conversion [kən'vɜ:ʃ(ə)n] n
gen. pretvaranje; konverzija
archit. adaptacija
carp. rezanje (drveta)
chem. hemijsko pretvaranje; reakcija; dubina pretvaranja; stepen konverzije
cleric. preobraćanje
comp., MS konverzija (An action by which a subscription (the source subscription) is replaced by a new subscription, both owned by the same billing account, along a preconfigured conversion path. The source subscription is canceled and the destination subscription is the new subscription)
construct. izmena
econ. promena statusa kompanije
law zloupotreba; asimilacija
photo. prerada
polit. promena mišljenja
polygr. konfekcija; preradivanje
relig. nedozvoljeno raspolaganje; preinačenje; prelaz; preoblikovanje; preobraćenje; prepravka; preračunavanje; prevod; prevođenje; promena; transformacija; tranzicija; zamena (lat. conversio)
tech. preustrojenje
conversion [kən'vɜ:ʃ(ə)n] adj.
econ. konverzioni
relig. nedopušteno prisvajanje
 English thesaurus
conversion [kən'vɜ:ʃ(ə)n] abbr.
abbr., oil c
abbr., polym. convn.
fin. conversion
law The wrongful assumption of ownership over the goods or personal property belonging to another
mil. Disposal: The reclamation of the units or components of a munition for alternative military or non - military uses in the same, modified, or amended form
mil., abbr. conv; cvrsn
conversion of
: 27 phrases in 4 subjects