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clip [klɪp] n
gen. štipaljka; hvataljka; stega; spajalica; striža; šišanje; obrezivanje; oštar udarac
amer., avunc. tempo
auto. obujmica; šelna
met. podveza; stezaljka; zavrtanj
mil. okvir; magazin; šaržer
oil opružni škripac; ušica; kračun; reza; obruč; obruči za vješanje cijevi; stisci za vješanje cijevi; pritegnuti; ukliještiti
photo. prikačiti
tech. spojnica; isečak; stega za učvšćivanje; stezni prsten; spona; obujmica za crevo; crevna stezaljka; gvozdena karika; zatega
clip [klɪp] n
econ. stepen; stopa
clip [klɪp] v
gen. spojiti; pričvrstiti; stisnuti; sapeti; podrezati; obrezati; ostrigati; skresati; skratiti; izrezati; gutati slogove; bušiti kartU
IT odseći; iseći deo prikazane slike koji se nalazi iza određene granice koju odreduje korisnik
slang udariti; opaliti
 English thesaurus
clip [klɪp] abbr.
abbr., agric. cp
CLIP [klɪp] abbr.
abbr. corticotropin-like intermediate peptid
abbr., avia. common link integration processing
abbr., el. calling line identity presentation; cellular logic image processing; clock-line-isolated photodiode structure; computer language for information processing; core lamination interconnect process
abbr., h.rghts.act. Country Level Implementation Plan (tat-konovalova)
abbr., med. class Il-associated invariant-chain peptide
abbr., mil., avia. Challenger lethality improvement program
clip [klɪp] v
slang cheat (Watch out or they will clip you at that bar)
CLIP [klɪp] abbr.
abbr., biotechn. cross-linking and immunoprecipitation (Altuntash)
abbr., commun. calling line identification presentation
abbr., comp., net., IT Cell Loss Integration Period
abbr., ed. Continuous Library Improvement Program
abbr., ed., scient. Center for Leadership Information and Professionalism
abbr., genet. Cross-Linked- Imprinting (jamaliya); cross-linking and immunoprecipitation assay (jamaliya)
abbr., IT Caller Line Identification Presentation
abbr., law Colorado Legal Initiatives Project
abbr., mil. Crew List Index Project; Challenger Lethality Improvement Programme (qwarty)
abbr., opt. cellular logic image processor
abbr., scient. Computational Linguistics And Information Processing
abbr., scottish Craft Life Improvement Program (US Navy)
abbr., tel. calling line idetification presentation (Vanda Voytkevych)
mil. close-in improvement program; combined laser instrumentation package
tech. compiler language for information processing
CLIP [klɪp] abbr.
abbr. connectionless transport protocol
abbr., IT connected line identification presentation
: 85 phrases in 14 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Glass production1
Mechanic engineering13
Oil / petroleum8
Rail transport1