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gen. školovanje; obrazovanje; vaspitanje; škola; vežbanje
cust. obuka
law dresura; dril
| and
comp., MS I
| Rehearsal
gen. ponavljanje
| Generation
gen. rađanje
| Toolkit
tech. torba za alat
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
training ['treɪnɪŋ] n
gen. školovanje; obrazovanje; vaspitanje; škola; vežbanje
construct. izgradnja obaloutvrde
cust. obuka
law dresura; dril; kurs; priprema; sprema; usavršavanje; vežba
oil izobrazba; odgajanje; priučavanje
polygr. osposobljavanje
sport. uvežbavanje; treniranje; trening
tech. obučavanje
train [treɪn] v
gen. odgajati; uzgojiti; odgojiti; obrazovati; podići; o životinji trenirati; dresirati; udti; vežbati; vežbati se; trenirati se; pripremati se
agric. uzgajati
avunc. putovati vozom; putovati železnicom
econ. obučiti; osposobiti
law drilovati; školovati
mil. obučavati; uperiti; nanišaniti
obs. privladti; mamiti; zavesti; opdniti
sport. trenirati
training ['treɪnɪŋ] adj.
law praktična obuka
 English thesaurus
training ['treɪnɪŋ] abbr.
abbr., mil. tng (Киселев)
mil., abbr. tra; trg; trng
mil., logist. Educational process by which a group of personnel is given the operational capability of the considered structure unit, force, joint group, staff.. (FRA); Military training consists in morally, physically and technically preparing a cadre or rank and file to hold a job, combat position or role, while constantly ensuring his or her adaptation to a specific environment and to its demands. Understood in this meaning, training covers three areas: 1. moral training, which pertains to education; 2. technical training, which also pertains education; 3. operational training, which pertains to field training. (FRA)
TRAINING ['treɪnɪŋ] abbr.
abbr. Tiny Recruits Ambushed In Nefarious Invasion Need Guts
Training and
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects
Non-governmental organizations1