
   English Serbian Latin
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gen. jedan; neki
| object
gen. predmet; stvar; objekat; cilj; svrha
comp., MS objekat
IT promenljiva u objektno orijentisanom programiranju; poseban entitet u kompjuterskoj grafici
| vehicle
gen. vozilo
| individual
gen. osoba
etc | representing
gen. predstaviti
| a
construct. Ampere
| target
comp., MS cilj
| for
gen. umesto
a weapon | or
comp., MS ILI
weapon system 2. A | geographical
gen. geografski
| area
comp., MS oblast
| complex
gen. celina
| or
comp., MS ILI
| installation
gen. uvođenje u službu
| planned
law isplaniran
| for
gen. umesto
| capture
tech. zahvat
| or
comp., MS ILI
| destruction
chem. razrušavanje
| by
gen. po strani
| military forces
 military forces
law vojne snage
3 | In
gen. unutra
| intelligence
gen. pamet
| usage
comp., MS upotreba
| a
construct. Ampere
| country
comp., MS Kantri
| area
comp., MS oblast
| installation
gen. uvođenje u službu
| agency
gen. delovanje
| or
comp., MS ILI
| person
gen. persona
| against
gen. protiv
| which
gen. koji
| intelligence operations
 intelligence operations
law obaveštajni poslovi
| are
gen. sadašnji oblik glagola
| directed
law dirigovan
4 | An
gen. jedan
| area
comp., MS oblast
| designated
law imenovan
| and
comp., MS I
| numbered
law izbrojan
| for
gen. umesto
| future
gen. budućnost
| firing
mil. grejanje
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

article | abbreviation | to phrases
an [æn] art.
gen. obično se ne prevodi jedan; neki
 English thesaurus
AN [æn] abbr.
abbr. access network; ambient noise; air natural cooling; Aerodynamics Note; air natural (cooled)
abbr., avia. airforce navy; area navigation
abbr., busin. annals; answer; ante; arrival note
abbr., comp. Analyse
abbr., earth.sc. acid value; Aitken Nuclei; andalusite; Antarctica
abbr., oil accession number; acetonaphthalene; acetonitrile; analysis; Anathermal; anhedral; aniline; ankerite; annealed in nitrogen; antinode
abbr., space aluminium nitrate
abbr., textile advice note
AN [æn] abbr.
abbr. Account Number; Adult Nationals; Anchorage Field Office; Air Force-Navy; Alternating Network; Anglo-Norman; Army Number; autograph note; Net Tender
abbr., agric. ammonium nitrate
abbr., auto. acid number
abbr., avia. alphabetical/numerical (Interex); aircraft captain; aircraft nuts; airways navigation; anchor nut; army-navy standard; autonetics; auxiliary navigator or observer; normal acceleration
abbr., chem., scient. Ammonium Nitrate
abbr., commun. Access Network/Node
abbr., corp.gov. advisory note
abbr., el. artificial network (iwona); active network; active node; alkyl naphthalene; annealing; anthracene; Auger neutralization process
abbr., electr.eng. audible noise
abbr., IT Access Node; Architecture Neutral; Abstract Syntax Notation
abbr., med. acanthosis nigricans, чёрный акантоз (doc090); Anesthesiology (код больничного отделения Ying); admission number (Ying); aceptic necrosis; aneurysm; anonymous; antenatal; avascular necrosis
abbr., med.appl. arterial needle (darvlasim)
abbr., mil. Alphanumeric; Army And Navy; Army Navy; Army Nurse; Auxiliary, Netlayer; Army-Navy; Army/Navy; Army/Navy number; analog nonsecure
abbr., mil., avia. AS A Army and Navy Air Service Association
abbr., oil acrilonitrile; air natural; alpha-numeric
abbr., plast. Acrylonitrile
abbr., polit. Netherlands Antilles; Andorra
abbr., polym. acrylonitrile; air natural-cooled
abbr., progr., IT Applications Note
abbr., qual.cont. acceptance number; STD Army-Navy Standard
abbr., railw. Apalachicola Northern Railroad
abbr., scottish Air Force / Navy (USA); Air Navigation; Armada Nacional (Paraguay Navy)
abbr., soil. andosol; andesite
abbr., st.exch. Automation, Inc. of Delaware
abbr., telecom. Absolute Name
energ.ind. air-natural-cooled; atomic number; average number
mil. aids to navigation; airship, nonrigid; alerting network; alphanumeric; arrival notice
NASA Analog
tech. actinium emanation; action; air natural cooled; alignment network; anisyl; astronavigation; autonomous navigation
water.suppl. ammoniacal nitrogen
An [æn] abbr.
abbr. annulus; anorthite; anthracite; anode (Vosoni); normal atmosphere (Vosoni); athenium; normal (= atmosphere)
abbr., busin. antioxidant
abbr., earth.sc. actinide; andradite; Anthropogen; nozzle area; total nozzle area
abbr., oil actinides; actinon; analcite; anisole; anthophyllite; Anthropogene; antigorite
energ.ind. cross-sectional area of nozzle
mil. Antonov (Soviet aircraft manufacturer); airman
an [æn] abbr.
abbr. annealed; annual
abbr., med., lat. ale nasi
polym. above-named
An. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. annals; normal atmosphere
abbr., med. anisometropia
lat. Annus ("year")
law anonymous
an. abbr.
abbr. answer
abbr., earth.sc. anode
abbr., med. anterior
an' art.
inf. and
An object
: 8 phrases in 1 subject