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 English thesaurus
ldr abbr.
avia. leader
LDR abbr.
abbr. Labor Deliver Recovery; Labor Delivery And Recovery; Length Of Directory Record; Light Detect Resistor; loader; loading; Local Data Record; Long Distance Race; Long Distance Release; Long Distance Riding; Low Density Region
abbr., avia. ladder; landing distance required; laser Doppler radar; lift drag rate
abbr., bank. Loan-to-Deposit Ratio (slitely_mad)
abbr., busin. ledger; Linear decision rule
abbr., chat. long distance relationship
abbr., commer. London deposit rate
abbr., comp.graph. Low Dynamic Range (ВВладимир)
abbr., earth.sc. leaf diffusion resistance; linear depolarization ratio
abbr., econ. London depositary receipt
abbr., el. length-to-diameter ratio; level distribution recorder; light defocusing plastic rod; line driver receiver; Lorentz double refraction; light-dark ratio
abbr., foreig.aff. Liberal, Democratic and Reformers Group
abbr., HR Leadership Development Report (Alexander Oshis)
abbr., lab.eq. low dose radiation
abbr., med. Labor, Delivery, Recovery; Lifetime Data Repository; Low Dose Rate
abbr., mil. Leader; low data rate
abbr., mil., WMD Land Disposal Restrictions
abbr., O&G, sakh. Line Department Review (Bauirjan)
abbr., oil low deviation range; Land Disposal Restrictions
abbr., opt. light-dependent resistor; linear dynamic range
abbr., polym. limiting draw ratio
abbr., scottish Low Data Rate
abbr., shipb. light-dependent resistors
abbr., space length diameter ratio; lift drag ratio; liquid droplet radiator
interntl.trade., abbr. London depositary receipts
mil. large deployable reflector; laser designator/rangefinder; light-to-dark ratio
tech. laser designating ranging; laser designation ranger; laser designator-ranger; light dark ratio; light dependent resistor; light dependent-resistor; load definition report; low dose rate
Ldr. abbr.
abbr., fin. ledger