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up the ante
cards to raise the stakes of a hand of poker (Synonym: raise the stakes: With three aces and two jacks, he thought it was safe to up the ante wiktionary.org)
fig. to take an action that raises the stakes, i.e. that increases the chances of conflict (in a dispute wiktionary.org); to increase your risks or demands in order to get a greater advantage (The government has upped the ante by refusing to negotiate until a ceasefire has been agreed. • The governor upped the ante in her war of words with the mayor, by calling him "dangerous" for the city. cambridge.org); to increase the costs, risks, or considerations involved in taking an action or reaching a conclusion (collinsdictionary.com); to make greater demands or take greater risks in a dispute or contest, and so increase the amount that you will eventually lose or win (Whenever they reached their goal, they upped the ante, setting increasingly difficult challenges for themselves. collinsdictionary.com); to offer a higher gambling stake or financial investment (Its network television division upped the ante by paying an estimated $2 million a year for a deal. collinsdictionary.com); increase what is at stake or under discussion, especially in a conflict or dispute (He decided to up the ante in the trade war • And, whenever new and useful information came in, she would up the ante by increasing the reward money. • With bottled water now boasting a retail value of 900m, Highland Spring is prepared to up the ante in an increasingly competitive market. • The film successfully ups the ante with this brisk and charming story of a young girl from a righteous Sikh family who doesn't want to conform to the narrow community ways her mum so desperately maintains. • It ups the ante on what popular history can, and should, do. • At least this kind of talk ups the ante after the anodyne stuff we've endured at the majority of press conferences. • With this novel she ups the ante, breaking new ground with a superbly plotted and gripping historical novel. • He said: ‘We are upping the ante and we are expecting it to be a relatively intense period of operations. • Ghostly goings-on are almost commonplace in many York pubs, but the Red Lion is upping the ante with multiple gory tales – and a picture which staff claim shows a mysterious apparition. • Then last week the ante was upped considerably more with another seizure this time of the dreaded weed with a street value of €200,000. lexico.com)
idiom. to make something more difficult (When runners cross-train for events, they often up the ante by running on sand. • At the same time, leaders of the sport have continued to up the ante, organizing harder and longer races. Many last several days and hundreds of miles and include both high-altitude climbs and extreme temperatures. wiktionary.org); to make something more desirable (The school system cannot raise teachers' salaries, so they are providing better benefits as an effort to up the ante. • After a slow start, it was the home side who began to up the ante. Gokdeniz Karadeniz caused Spurs problems with his raids down the right and Alan Kasaev fired narrowly over from one of his pull-backs. • Thus, negotiating governments may be obliged to up the ante by offering additional incentives, perhaps relating to political viability, to the opposition groups. • It acknowledges that teaching is a vocation and that, unless rewards are adequate in the market place, employers will up the ante by offering higher salaries elsewhere. wiktionary.org); to increase the risk or possible harm that could result from something (often + on: The new law ups the ante on people who cheat on their taxes. merriam-webster.com); to set a higher standard or goal (often + on: The film ups the ante on special effects. merriam-webster.com)
: 9 phrases in 5 subjects
Military lingo1
Nuclear and fusion power4