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TH abbr.
abbr. Table Heads; Territory Of Hawaii; Thai; Theim; Thursday; Tim Horton; Tom Hanks; thermoid; threaded (fiammetta); toilet-paper holder; Transmission Header; Transmittal Header; Truly Hierarchical
abbr., anim.husb. transhydrogenase
abbr., auto. throttle valve; tread hysteresis
abbr., avia. transition height; target height; test hardness; test harness; three hearts; track-and-hold; true horizontal; tooling inspection instrumentation
abbr., cardiol. tyrosine hydroxylase (Игорь_2006)
abbr., cartogr. towhead
abbr., chem., scient. Thorium
abbr., el. table handling; tapered hemispherical-ended (fiber); terminal handler; tetrahedral hole; third-harmonic; through-hole; timer higher-order byte; tracking head; trap handler; trap handler routine; Trojan horse; tungsten halogen lamp
abbr., el., scient. Through Hole
abbr., facil. test house (igisheva)
abbr., IT Table Header; Think Hardware; Time History
abbr., math., scient. Theoretical Hypothesis
abbr., med. T Helper (cell); Thenar; Thermic; Thyroid; Transhepatic; tetrahydrocortisol; thyrohyoid; tyrosinehydroxylase
abbr., mil. Targeting High; Training Helicopter; Time Hopping
abbr., mil., avia. tail-heavy
abbr., mil., WMD test hardware
abbr., O&G, casp. town hall (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. high pressure condensate
abbr., O&G, sakh. tank height
abbr., O&G. tech. tubing hanger (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil thence; tight hole; total hardness
abbr., photo. Tungsten-Halogen
abbr., physiol., med. Thyroid Hormone
abbr., polit. Thailand
abbr., polym. tail-to-head
abbr., refrig. total heat
abbr., relig. Trinity House; Trinity Hymnal
abbr., scottish Terrain Height; True Heading; Thailand (NATO country code)
abbr., soil. thermic soil temperature regime
abbr., sport. Tournament Hours
abbr., tech. thermal efficiency; thermal element
abbr., tradem. Travel And Hospitality
abbr., transp. Threshold; Town Highway
energ.ind. theoretical studies; thermal-hydraulics; titration for hardness; turbine hall
mil. terminal homing; towed howitzer; training helicopter; transport helicopter
physiol., med. Thoracic
tech. T helper cell; telegraph apparatus; telephone; television hologram; transponder hopping
tradem. Thiokol
th abbr.
abbr. 100000 Btus; therm
abbr., earth.sc. thermie; hyperbolic tangent
O&G threshold
polym. theoretical; thermal; thickness
unit.meas. thousand (igisheva)
th. abbr.
abbr. telephone; thermit
abbr., earth.sc. thermal
abbr., phys. thermion; threshold
abbr., sport. thoroughbred
O&G, sakh. tonnes
Th abbr.
abbr. thorax; thenardite; Thursday
abbr., med. thorium; helper T lymphocytes
agric. Thoroughbred
ths abbr.
abbr. thanks; thousand
.ths abbr.
file.ext. Thesaurus (file name extension)
THS abbr.
abbr. Tanner High School; Temporary Holiday Site; Tennessee High School, Bristol, Tennessee; Tennyson High School; Titanic Historical Society; Trinity High School; Troy High School; Tupelo High School
abbr., auto. throttle position switch; Toyota hybrid power system; transmission hydraulic switch
abbr., avia. Tailplane Horizontal Stabiliser (ВосьМой); thermal stress; thermostat switch; trim horizontal stabilizer; tube heat supply
abbr., busin. this
abbr., el. trapped hole states
abbr., file.ext. Thesaurus dictionary (WordPerfect for Windows)
abbr., inet. That Home Site!
abbr., IT Thesaurus dictionary
abbr., law The Head Shooters
abbr., med. Teebe Hypertelorism Syndrome; Tetrahydro-compound S; Thrombohemorrhagic Syndrome; Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome; Tromso Study; Turkish Heart Study; Territory Health Services; Trauma History Screen
abbr., media. True Hollywood Story
abbr., mil. Tactical Harness System; Tactical Hybrid Switch
abbr., mil., avia. target homing correlator
abbr., O&G. tech. tubing head spool (igisheva)
abbr., sport. Tournament Housing Services
abbr., transp. Territorial Highway System; Toyota Hybrid System
airports, avia. Sukhothai, Thailand
mil. tactical helicopter squadron; target homing system; total heating surface; transparency hardening system
tech. terminal homing system; thermostatic switch
ThS abbr.
abbr., el. thermal stability
: 4 phrases in 1 subject