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abbr. outward cargo (Vosoni); on centres; open circuit; open-circuited; open-closed
abbr., econ. over the counter
abbr., tech. on center
busin. order confirmation (Rian77)
med. eye ointment (лат. oculentum)
phys. open cup (igisheva)
abbr. off cover; overcharge (Vosoni); open-circuited
abbr., econ. our cable
busin. office copy (Yuriy83)
abbr., econ. open-closed
abbr., avia. on course
abbr., bank. over the counter
abbr., busin. o'clock
abbr., commer. outward cargo
abbr., earth.sc. open charter
abbr., econ. old crop
abbr., insur. Open cover
abbr., IT open circuit
abbr., met. ore to coke weight ratio (bigbeat)
abbr., mil. Observer/Collector; Observer/Controller
abbr., oil oil change; officer in charge; outward collection; oxygen to carbon atomic ratio
abbr., scottish On Completion
abbr., swtch. open/closed (igisheva)
abbr., textile old charter
mil. object classification; officer-in-charge
O&G over current
abbr. Orphans' Court
abbr., alum. organic carbon
abbr., earth.sc. opposite corner
abbr., econ. overcharge
abbr., lat. Ordo Charitatis (Fathers of the Order of Charity)
abbr., O&G, sakh. on centers
law office copy; official classification; open charter; order cancelled
abbr. Official and Confidential; Operations & Control
abbr., med. onset and course
abbr., mil., avia. operations and checkout
abbr., qual.cont. operation and check-out
abbr., space operation & checkout building
abbr., surg. open and close (Ying); open and close procedure (Ying); open and closure (Ying)
energ.ind., polym. operation and checkout
O & C
abbr. operational and checkout; operations and control
abbr., electric. overcurrent
meteorol. o'clock
: 9 phrases in 1 subject