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abbr. carded cotton yarn (Vosoni); cirrocumulus; closing coil; cotton covered; cotton yarn count (Vosoni); cotton-covered (Vosoni); cross compound; cubic centimetre (Vosoni); current cost (Vosoni); cast copper; cirro-cumulus; combustion chamber; two core concentric cable; cross compound (engine); closed control; cancellation clause; chief commissioner; co-ordinating committee; complimentary copy; consumable code; coordinating committee; courtesy copy
abbr., electric. choke coil
abbr., met. continuous casting
abbr., nautic. compass course
abbr., phys. cloud chamber
abbr., tech. cubic centimetres
electr.eng. concentric cable
insur. Cargo capacity
met. combined carbon
mining. continuous current; cubic centimeter
phys. closed cup (igisheva)
abbr. center-of-center; center-to-center; centre to centre; two core concentric cable
abbr., nautic. coordinate converter
automat. coding/classification
mining. between centres; concentric
O&G center/center (andrushin)
abbr. continuous current; cotton-covered; centre to centre
abbr., earth.sc. carbon-carbon link
abbr., electric. choke coil
O&G, sakh. center-to-center
abbr. communication and control
mining. coal and coke
abbr. cash credit (Vosoni); cashier's check (Vosoni); Chamber of Commerce (Vosoni); Chancery Cases; Circuit Court; column centimetre (Vosoni); country cheque (Vosoni); Country Cheque Clearing (Vosoni); County Court; Criminal Cases; Crown Cases; Crown Colony; compte courant
abbr., crim.law. correctional code (igisheva)
abbr., earth.sc. coral colonies
abbr., econ. chief clerk; currency clause
abbr., fin. contra credit
abbr., insur. Cesser clause
abbr., interntl.trade. carbon copy
abbr., lat. Curatus ("curate")
abbr., law Circuit Court, U.S.; contrabanda control
abbr., met. continuously cast; continuous caster; computer console; computer control
abbr., shipb. chief constructor
abbr., sport. cubic centimetres; cubic centimeters
law charges collect; chief complaint; civil commotions; continuation clause; contraband control; custom charges
tech. cashier's cheque
abbr. cash and carry (Yan); Command and Control; Communications and Control
abbr., commun. Computer & Communication
abbr., comp. Command & Conquer (серия стратегических компьютерных игр, буквальный перевод - "Командуй и завоевывай" Holswarth)
abbr., IT computer and communication
abbr., mil. Collection and Classification; Control and Coordination
abbr., mil., avia. calibration and certification
abbr., oil circulate and condition (andrushin); command center; communication and computer; communication and control
abbr., oil.proc. crude and condensate (MichaelBurov)
abbr., qual.cont. calibration and check-out
abbr., scottish Command & Control
abbr., vet.med., med. Cubes & Coroplast
energ.ind. claims and compensation; comparable and compatible; computer and communications; consistency and comprehensiveness; contractors and consultancies; cooperation and codependence
tech. calibration and checkout; circulating and conditioning
abbr., earth.sc. coordinate converter
abbr., exhib. carbon copy
abbr., med. Cancel Christmas (dead)
abbr., mil. command center; command control; cabin cruiser; cast off and clear
abbr., O&G, sakh. cooling coil
abbr., oil Chamber of Commerce; concentric cable
abbr., shipb. between centers
meteorol. change of course
mil. constraint control
tech. circuit control
abbr. two core concentric cable
abbr., avia. composite
abbr., earth.sc. centre to centre
abbr., el. cassette to cassette
abbr., mil. Cross Country
abbr., oil thru-tubing caliper log; center to center; through-tubing caliper
abbr., scottish Carbon-Carbon
railw. two-concentric cable
tech. copper-constantan
C & C
abbr. crude and condensate
abbr., earth.sc. carbon-carbon link
c c
abbr., commer. cubic centimetre
abbr., cycl. centre-centre
: 114 phrases in 14 subjects
American stock exchange2
Energy industry1
New York Stock Exchange1
Rail transport3
Unit measures1