
   English thesaurus
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abbr. earth.sc. wind, height, and temperature
abbr. IT Wireless Hybrid Asynchronous Time-bounded
abbr. med. Worcester Heart Attack Trial
abbr. mil. Warning-Homing-Avoidance-Targeting
has to be done for | the
abbr. med. Tetrahydrocortisone E; Tonic Hind Limb Extension; Transhepatic Embolization; Transhiatal Esophagectomy; Tropical Hypereosinophilia
execution of | the
abbr. med. Tetrahydrocortisone E
| mission
abbr. school.sl. mish
| It
abbr. libr. Italian
| can
abbr. med. Cancer
either | be
mil. base ejecting ejection
the entire | action
law legal proceedings
| to
abbr. econ. table of organization
| undertake
abbr. undertaken
| or
abbr. med. and/or
| only
abbr. o
| part of
 part of
abbr. po
| it
abbr. libr. Italian
It requires the use of specific assets | and
abbr. IT Logical AND
| procedures
USA Standard, detailed steps that prescribe how to perform specific tasks
| Tasks
abbr. Teaching Agricultural Safety To Kids
| can
abbr. med. Cancer
either | be
mil. base ejecting ejection
simultaneous | or
abbr. med. and/or
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

abbreviation |
WHAT [wɔt] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. wind, height, and temperature
WHAT [wɔt] abbr.
abbr., IT Wireless Hybrid Asynchronous Time-bounded
abbr., med. Worcester Heart Attack Trial
abbr., mil. Warning-Homing-Avoidance-Targeting
abbr., tradem. Wedemeyer Hayes And Tarczy; Winston Hills And Toongabbie