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noun | abbreviation
TVR abbr.
abbr., adv. telerecording
abbr., auto. turbine vane regulator
abbr., el. television receiver; time-varying reflection
abbr., market. television rating
abbr., pharm. telaprevir (телапревир Dimpassy)
TVR abbr.
abbr. Transient Vacation Rental (Красткосрочная аренда недвижимости (туристами в летнее время, как альтернатива отелям) Natali-Dali)
abbr., busin. Terminal Verification Results (Tante B); television recordings
abbr., combust. Turbine Vibration Rack (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net., IT The Virtual Repository
abbr., earth.sc. turbulent vortex ring
abbr., el., scient. Timer Vector Root
abbr., file.ext. Response Tag Vector
abbr., IT Telephone Voice Response
abbr., media. The Vocabula Review
abbr., oil true vapour pressure
abbr., opt. time variable reflectivity
abbr., pharm. telaprevir (MichaelBurov)
abbr., physiol. Target Vessel Revascularization
abbr., physiol., med. Thoracic Ventral Root
abbr., relig. Teen Valley Ranch Christian Camp
abbr., scottish Track-Via-missile Radar guidance; Trajectory / Velocity Radar
abbr., tradem. The Virtual Recorder
abbr., vet.med. trans-vaginal recovery (InessaS)
energ.ind. Tennessee Valley region
mil. trajectory velocity radar
tech. television recording; temperature variation of resistance; test verification report