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SWS abbr.
abbr., astronaut. space warning squadron
abbr., auto. sidewall torsion sensor; simple wire system; simplified wiring system; smart wiring system
abbr., avia. software simulator; strategic warning satellite; structures work station
abbr., cryo. snow water sensor
abbr., el. set write status; shrink wrapped software; side wall spacer; single wavelength selector; software services; switching subsystem
abbr., med. slow wave sleep (synchronized sleep); spike wave stupor
abbr., mil. Special Warfare School
abbr., mil., air.def. surveillance work station
SWS abbr.
abbr. Sir William Street; Star Wars Sisters; Sunuwar Welfare Society; Scientific Workstation Support; Short Wave Sleep; space weapon system; special weapon system; switch stand; south-west south (southwest south); static water supply
abbr., BrE shore wireless service
abbr., comp., net. structured wiring system
abbr., dril. side wall sample
abbr., inet. Scarf Web Site
abbr., karate. stall warning system
abbr., med. Slow-wave Sleep; Spike-wave Stupor; Steroid-wasting Syndrome; Sturge-Weber Syndrome; slow wave sleep (synchronized sleep ННатальЯ); Sturge Weber syndrome
abbr., mil. Smart Weapon System
abbr., O&G, sakh. Southern well site
abbr., oil sidewall samples; Schlumberger Well Service; sea water supply; sidewall coring slim-hole; sidewall sampler; single-well seismic
abbr., oil.lubr. Secondary Working Standard (A Hun)
abbr., oil.proc. sour water stripper (Yerkwantai)
abbr., scottish Slow-Wave Structure
abbr., softw. software system (igisheva)
abbr., space short wavelength spectrometer
abbr., sport. Side Wall Stun; Star Wars Simulation
abbr., st.exch. Southwest Securities Group, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Sonic World Studios
airports, avia. Swansea, Wales
energ.ind. single-water system
mil. service-wide supply; shallow-water sonar; shallow-water submarine; sniper weapon system; space weapons system; special weapons system; strategic weapons system; support weapons system; surface warfare system; surveillance and warning system; swimmer weapons system
O&G sour water stripping
tech. service water system; sidewall sample; skipping white space; solid waste system
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
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