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noun | abbreviation
SCs abbr.
abbr., busin. sales contracts
abbr., oil service contracts
SCS abbr.
abbr. Self Consciousness Scale; Social Competence Seminar; Space Collaboration System; Store Connection System; Super Composite Skin; Supply Chain Solution; Satellite Communication Systems; Satellite Control Squadron; semiconductor controlled switch; Signal Center and School; Signal Collection System; Silicon Controlled Switch; Singapore Computer Society (organization, Singapur); Small Computer System; SNA Character String; Society for Computer Simulation; Society of Clinical Surgery; Soybean Corn Silage; symmetric cryptographic systems; systematic conformance statement; space communications system; substituent chemical shifts; Stimulated Compton Scattering; Super Crap Service; Switch Control Software (ForeRunner, ATM); Swiss Calibration Service
abbr., agric. Seed Conservation Service
abbr., auto. service check signal; service check socket; side crash sensor; slip control system; speed control switch; stability control system; stabilized combustion system; suction control solenoid
abbr., automat. supervisory control system
abbr., avia. selective calling system; signal corps school; software coding standard; software code standard; satellite control station; scan converter system; scientific computing system; secret control station; scattering cross section; ship control satellite; signal conditioning system; speed command system; stabilization and control system; station control satellite; supplemental cooling system
abbr., bodybuild. S.C.S. (MichaelBurov); Special Control Service (MichaelBurov)
abbr., cartogr. State Coast Service
abbr., chem., scient. Solution Case Study
abbr., clin.trial. Summary of Clinical Safety (Игорь_2006)
abbr., commun. Service Communication System
abbr., comp., net. structured cabling system; service capability server; security correlation server
abbr., comp.name. Stolt Comex Seaway Inc.
abbr., construct. specified clear space
abbr., data.prot. secure communication service
abbr., dent.impl. screw carrying system (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. soil conservation; soil conservation service; Soil Conservation Society; South China Sea (China); supplementary control systems; supply of casing for surface drilling; Swiss Chemical Society
abbr., ed. School Computing Service; State Compulsory Standard (peuplier_8)
abbr., el. space charge spectroscopy; safety control switch; safety critical software; sales configuration system; satellite control system; scan counter system; scattering cross-section; Schottky capacitance spectroscopy; scientific computer system; separate channel signaling; service communication subsystem; service control system; service creation system; share computing system; signal communication system; signaling capability set; silicon compiler system; single channel simplex; slow code scanner; smart card system; space command station; specialty coating system; static control storage; stock control system; stop clock state; structured communications system; structured connectivity solution; submarine combat system; subscriber channel selector; supplementary control system; sweeping current supply; switch and control subsystem; symmetric crypto-system; synchronous communications satellite; silicon-controlled switch
abbr., el., scient. Single Crystal Silicon
abbr., gas.proc. station control system (rozoviy_slon)
abbr., genet. somatic cells score (altaiangirl); specialized chromosome structure
abbr., geogr. South China Sea (PX_Ranger)
abbr., gov. senior civil servants (webber)
abbr., immunol. subcapsular sinus (Chesnochok)
abbr., inet. Soc Culture Soviet
abbr., IT Scalable Command Set
abbr., lat. Sanctus ("saint")
abbr., meas.inst. sub carrier spacing (Speleo)
abbr., med. Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome; Slow Channel Syndrome; Society Of Clinical Surgery; Spinal Cord Society; Splint Classification System (American Association Of Hand Therapists, ASHT); Synovial Chondrosarcoma; Systolic Click Syndrome; Saethre-Chotzen syndrome (Игорь_2006); Seven Countries Study
abbr., met. Smooth Clean Surface (метод щёточной очистки поверхности горячекатаного листа Inchionette); superclean steel
abbr., mil. Shipboard Computing System; Source Control System; Special Communications System
abbr., mil., air.def. spectrum certification system
abbr., mil., astronaut. satellite communications system
abbr., mil., WMD Sample collection system; site communication system
abbr., mus. Star Crest Soloist
abbr., neurosurg. spinal cord stimulation (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Subsea Control System
abbr., oil safety consultancy services; salt cement slurry; sequential control system; service contracts; silicon-containing surfactant; single-channel seismic; sodium cellulose sulfate; solids control system; sonar communication set; surface control spool; swale cross-stratification
abbr., oil.proc. sample conditioning system (Don Sebastian)
abbr., org.name. Soil Conservation Service
abbr., progr., IT Sound Cue System
abbr., radio simultaneous colour system
abbr., relig. Seminary Computing Services
abbr., scient. Spanish Cultural Studies
abbr., scottish Sidewinder Control System; Singapore Computer Systems Limited; Submarine Control Simulator
abbr., sec.sys. secure communications service
abbr., sexol. Sexual Compulsive Scale (soulveig)
abbr., space single crystal sapphire; space communication satellite; stabilization control system; survivable communication satellite
abbr., sport. Single Card Strategy; Southern California Swimming
abbr., st.exch. Steelcase, Inc.
abbr., tech. sub-control system (OlCher)
abbr., tradem. Specialist Courier Services
abbr., transp. Stop Control System
abbr., UN Support to Civil Society
Apollo-Soyuz seal contact sensor
energ.ind. safe controlled situation; sequence control system; specific collecting surface; specific collection surface; standby cooling system
metrol. System for monitoring pH electrodes and/or reference electrodes for breakage or blockage respectively
mil. satellite communication system; screening and costing staff; sea control ship; secondary control system; secret cover sheet; section control station; ship combat system; simulation control subsystem; sonar calibration set; space communication system; special communications system; special contingency stockpile; speed control system; standard coordinate system; stationary capability system; supply control study; supply control system; survivable control system; switch and control subsystem
tech. secondary coolant system; security control system; shutdown cooling system; signal communications system; simultaneous color system; single channel of station; single-channel simplex; sodium characterization system; spacecraft control system; stabilization and control system; streamer control system; system control software
scs abbr.
O&G scarce