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ORS abbr.
abbr. Overseas Research Student (Award Anglophile); Operator Restraint System (Ася Кудрявцева); oral rehydration salts (maratustra); Official Relay Station
abbr., astronaut. Operationally Responsive Space (semfromshire)
abbr., auto. Office of Road Safety
abbr., avia. Orpheus Island Resort, Queensland, Australia; option relationship specification; overhaul and repair system; oval ring seal
abbr., dermat. outer root sheath (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. Operational Research Society (uk); order of rig supplies
abbr., ed. Occupant Restraint System; One Room Schoolhouse
abbr., el. Operations Research Society; optical radar system; originating register sender; overrange station
abbr., file.ext. Output Record Separator
abbr., hotels OPERA Reservation Syste (система бронирования мест в отелях Шандор); OPERA Reservation System (система бронирования мест в отелях Шандор)
abbr., med. Observatoires Régionaux De La Santé; Olfactory Reference Syndrome; Orthopaedic Research Society; oral rehydratation solution; Office of Research and Statistics; oral surgeon; Orthopedic Research Society; orthopedic surgery
abbr., mil. Offense Reporting System; operationally responsive space
abbr., mil., avia. object retrieval system
abbr., mil., WMD occurrence reporting system
abbr., oil oceanographic research ship; oil recovery system; old red sandstone; operations research/system analysis; optical recorder subsystem; optical remote sensor; owner's risk of shifting
abbr., pharm. oral rehydration salts (регидратационные соли для перорального применения, пероральные регидратационные соли (также оральные регидратационные соли, ОРС) kat_j)
abbr., pharma. oral rehydration salt (Vadim Rouminsky)
abbr., physiol. Oculo-Respiratory Syndrome; Orally Rehydrating Solution
abbr., physiol., med. Oral Rehydration Solution; Ovarian Remnant Syndrome
abbr., police Oregon Revised Statute
abbr., qual.cont. Operational Research Society
abbr., scottish Offensive Radar System
abbr., space oceanographic research satellite; octahedral research satellite; operationally responsive spacelift; optical rate sensor; orbital refueling system
abbr., st.exch. order routing system (aht)
abbr., tradem. Orlando Riva Sound
mil. off-site repair and support; operational reporting system; operational research section; operational research study; ordnance repair shop; overseas replacement station
tech. orbiter relay simulator; oscillographic recording system; overlay reproducer system
ORs abbr.
abbr. odds ratios (igisheva)
ors. abbr.
abbr., libr. others
ors abbr.
agric. others