
   English thesaurus
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abbr. scottish METOC Air, Surface, Undersea Reporting Equipment
abbr. polym. meas
| of
abbr. IT Output File; Overflow Flag
abbr. mil. Objective Force; Opposing Force; Optional Form
abbr. progr. IT Open File
abbr. sport. Outfield
interconnectivity | among
abbr. bet.
| structure
lit. The general organisation of writing.
| of
abbr. st.exch. Oppenheimer Funds
software programs | Coupling
depends on the | interface
mil. abbr. inf
complexity | between
abbr. polym. betn
| modules
O&G. tech. PLEM
| This
abbr. Terrace Food Group, Inc.
can be defined as the point at which | entry
abbr. Enter New Trees Right Yam
| or
abbr. med. and/or
reference is made to | a
abbr. econ. time zone A
module, and | what
abbr. med. Worcester Heart Attack Trial
data pass | across
abbr. Automated Cargo Release and Operations Service System
| the
abbr. med. Tetrahydrocortisone E
| interface
mil. abbr. inf
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
measure ['meʒə] abbr.
abbr., polym. meas
IT A standard used to evaluate and communicate performance against expected results (Measures are normally quantitative in nature capturing numbers, dollars, percentages, etc., but can also address qualitative information such as customer satisfaction. Reporting and monitoring measures help an enterprise gauge progress toward effective implementation of strategy)
MEASURE ['meʒə] abbr.
abbr., scottish METOC Air, Surface, Undersea Reporting Equipment
Measure of
: 1 phrase in 1 subject