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MWC abbr.
abbr. Michigan Wildlife Conservancy; Mine Warfare Command
abbr., agric. minimum water capacity
abbr., avia. main wheel circuit card; maintenance work cards; master warning card; master warning computer
abbr., earth.sc. main wetting curve; model of warming commitment
abbr., ed., scient. Mary Washington College; Mountaineer Wrestling Camp
abbr., el. memory write cycle; magnetoionic wave component; millimeter wave communications
abbr., el., scient. Mirc Winamp Controller
abbr., law Married White Couple
abbr., mil. Military Watch Company; Missile Warning Center; Model Warship Combat
abbr., O&G, karach. Main Works Contractor (Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Main Works Contract (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., OHS Maximal Workplace Concentration (Olga per se)
abbr., oil measurement while coring
abbr., relig. Mennonite World Conference
abbr., space ministry of war communications; multiple-weapons capability
abbr., sport. Mountain West Conference
abbr., st.exch. M S D W Capital Trust I
abbr., tech. Mobile World Congress
abbr., telecom. multiway calling
abbr., tradem. Malivoire Wine Company; Mollerus Web Consulting
energ.ind. municipal waste combustor