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MSC abbr.
abbr. motor sequence control
abbr., astr. Multiple Star Catalog (MichaelBurov)
abbr., auto. Motor Sports Club
abbr., avia. major sub-contract; master sequence controller; material service center; message service center; miscellaneous system controller; multifunction switching control
abbr., chem. microbiological safety cabinet
abbr., commun. medium-rate speech coding; mobile services switching centre
abbr., econ. Manpower Services Commission (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. magnetically settable counter; magnetic strip card; magnetic switch control technology; main service channel; main studio center; main switching center; maintenance and supply center; maritime satellite circuit; maritime switching center; mass storage controller; master-slave configuration; master supervision center; matrix switch controller; maximally specific conjunctive; memory storage control; message sequence chart; Microprocessor Standards Committee; Microwave Semiconductor Corp.; microwave subcarrier; milliwatts per square centimeter; mini-supercomputer; mixed-sintering ceramic; mobile services switching controller; mobile telephone switching center; Monolithic Systems Corp.; multi-spiral coil; multistep avalanche chamber; multistep contour; multi-stripe coupler
abbr., IT message switching centre
abbr., life.sc. mesenchymal stromal cell (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil. Media Simulation Cell; main simulation computer
abbr., mil., air.def. modified spherical coordinate
abbr., O&G multi-sensor caliper (Weatherford’s multi-sensor caliper (MSC) tool provides an accurate internal casing profile from an array of independent measuring, precision calibrated, carbide-tipped feeler arms. Kenny Gray)
abbr., O&G, casp. Chevron global machinery support center initiatives (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., OHS management system compliance (DRE)
abbr., org.name. Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A.
MSc abbr.
abbr. Master of Science (Лорина)
msc. abbr.
abbr., libr. miscellaneous; miscellany
Msc abbr.
abbr. Moscow
MSC abbr.
abbr. Mail Stop Code; Mandatory Settlement Conference; Manned Spacecraft Center; Marginal Social Cost; Miscellaneous; mass storage control; Chief Mess Specialist; message switching concentration; multiple systems coupling; mile of standard cable; minesweeper, coastal, non-magnetic; motor-starting contactor; Mad Science Club; Maintenance Saving Concept; Manhatten Supply Company; Margaret Sanger Center; Maritime Safety Committee; Market Stance Coefficient; Material Status Committee; Medicines Select Committee (of the BVA); Memory Stall Cycles; Merchant System Component; Meteorological Service of Canada; Micro Surface Corporation; MicroSoft C; Military Sea Command; Military Service Committee; Military Space Command; Military Staff Committee; Military Staff Committee of the United Nations; Minnesota Ski Council; Missile and Space Council; Monroe Senior Center; Montreal Soaring Council; Multiple Scatter Correction; Multiple Sidelobe Canceller
abbr., astronaut. Mirco Space Capsule (ВВладимир)
abbr., automat. Multiprocessor Standards Committee; multistrip coupler
abbr., avia. major sub-contract change
abbr., bank. merchant service charge
abbr., biotechn. multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (Игорь_2006)
abbr., BrE Manpower Services Commission; Medical Specialist Corps; Medical Staff Corps; military scout car
abbr., commun. Multi Service Concentrator (Alcatel 7270 MSC); MultiSlot Cell
abbr., comp. main storage controller
abbr., cytol. mesenchimal stem cell (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. Malaysia Smelting Corporation; manned space craft; Marine Science Council; Meteorological Satellite Center (Japan); meteorological synthesizing centre; mine sweeper, coastal
abbr., ed., scient. Matanuska Susitna College; Memorial Student Center
abbr., el. mobile services switching center
abbr., electr.eng. mechanically switched capacitors
abbr., fishery Marine Stewardship Council (S. Manyakin)
abbr., insur. Murmansk Shipping Company, Murmansk
abbr., IT Microsoft C makefile; Most - Significant Character; Multimedia Super Corridor; mobile switching centre; most significant character; multiple system coupling
abbr., logist. insurance surcharge for air cargo security (Yuriy83)
abbr., med. Glomerular Mesangium Cell; Magnocellular Neurosecretory Cell; Malignant Spindle-shaped Cells; Mammosomatotroph Cells; Mantle Storage Cells; Marrow Stromal Cell; Marrow Stromal Cells; Maxillary Sinus Carcinoma; Mesangial Cells; Mesenchymal Stem Cell; Mesenchymal Stem Cells; Mesothelial Cells; Milk Somatic Cell; Miniature Squamous Cells; Moloney Sarcoma Cell; Multiple Synchronous Cancer; Multipotential Subserosal Cells; Muscle Satellite Cells; Muscle Score; Myelin-forming Schwann Cells; Myeloid Suppressor Cells; medically significant condition (Rive); mesenchymal stem cell (inspirado); multiple-slit collimator (harser); mesenchymal stromal cells (BB50)
abbr., meteorol. Mail Service Center
abbr., mil. Major Subordinate Command; Major Systems Command; Medical Service Corps; Military Sealift Command; Mission Support Center; Mission Success Criteria; Mobile Switching Center; Multiple Sidelobe Canceler; major subordinate command; maritime support center; military staff committee; mission support confirmation
abbr., mil., WMD Major Subordinate Commands
abbr., nautic., scient. Management Service Center; Marine Science Consortium
abbr., nucl.pow. Mycle Schneider Consulting (asia_nova)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Master Service Contract
abbr., oil margin and sales contributors (serz); marine survival craft; mapping subcommittee; Marine Science Center; Marine Structure Consultants; microspheroidal catalyst; miles of standard cable; moulded solid catalyst; multi-channel seismic; multi-stage cementing; multiple scan correlator
abbr., post Management Sectional Center (manages all post offices within ZIP range)
abbr., progr. message sequence charts (ssn)
abbr., radio mobile service switching centre
abbr., school.sl. mesenchymal stem cell (Amato)
abbr., scient. Master of Science
abbr., scottish Major Subordinate Commander (NATO); Maritime surface Surveillance Capability; Minesweeper, Coastal
abbr., sec.sys. monoalphabetic substitution cipher
abbr., space meteorological satellite center; mobile servicing center
abbr., spectr. multiplicative scatter correction (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., st.exch. Material Sciences Corporation
abbr., tech. Maintenance Steering Committee (Ася Кудрявцева); movie and still compatible
abbr., telecom. main switching centre; mobile service switching center; mobile services switching centre
abbr., tradem. Mediterranean Shipping Company
abbr., transp. Marine Safety Council; Mechanical Speed Control
mil. Coastal Minesweeper; maintenance support center; major subordinate commander; master status chart; material source code; medical supply company; message switching center; military studies center; missile sequence chart; missile system checkout; multiservice center
tech. microstrip coupler; mobile subscriber central
MSc abbr.
abbr. masters degree in material sciences (Krokodil Schnappi)
msc abbr.
agric. miscellaneous; miscellany
MSc abbr.
ed. Master of Science (Slava)