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MEPs abbr.
abbr. motor evoked potentials (iwona)
MEPS abbr.
abbr. Molecular And Environmental Plant Sciences
abbr., bot., scient. Molecular and Environmental Plant Sciences
abbr., mater.sc. medium energy particle scattering
abbr., med. Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
abbr., mil. Military Entrance Processing Station; Military Entrance Processing Stations
abbr., mil., avia. mass of the electric propulsion system
abbr., oil Middle East Petroleum Strategy; mobile electric power source
abbr., space medium energy particle spectrometer
mil. mobile electric power sources; modular electrical power station
oil.proc. Management Engineering and Production Services (ценовые индексы на металлы Chainsaw)
tech. mass of the electric propulsion system
meps abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. megacycles per second
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Energy industry1