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noun | abbreviation
LTA abbr.
abbr. Land Trust Alliance; Lourdes Tuason Arroyo; Life Threatening Arrhythmia (qwarty)
abbr., alum. Lost Time Accidents
abbr., auto. low temperature aftercooling
abbr., avia. lager transport airplane; left trim arm; life thrust augmentor; lighter transport aircraft; Lufthansa Technik AG
abbr., bible.term., scient. Library Technical Assistant
abbr., comp., net., IT Long Term Archiving
abbr., econ. lighter than air system
abbr., ed. Low Threshhold Applications
abbr., el. low-temperature annealable (copper); load transfer acknowledgement; long term average; long time average; low-temperature annealing
abbr., insur. long-term agreement
abbr., IT Leased Transport Area
abbr., med. Leukotriene A; Lipotechoic Acid; light transmission aggregometry (Rive); lipoteichoic acid (harser); light transmittance aggregometry (Rive)
abbr., microel. logic time analyzer
abbr., mil. Lighter Than Air; Local Training Authority
abbr., mil., avia. large transport airplane
abbr., nautic., scient. Long Tentacle Anemone
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. lost time accident
abbr., oil.proc. Latin America (MichaelBurov); LTA region (MichaelBurov)
abbr., plast.surg. lateral thoracic mammary artery
abbr., scottish Laser Training Aid; Light Tactical Aircraft (Royal Australian Air Force)
abbr., sport. Lawn Tennis Association
abbr., textile Linen Trade Association
abbr., tradem. Leslie Taylor Associates, Inc.; Línea Turística Aereotuy
abbr., transp. Land Transport Authority
insur., abbr. long term agreement
int.transport. lighter than air system (airships)
mil. leave travel allowance
mil., abbr. launch through attack; light transport aircraft; lighter-than-air; local training area
tech., abbr. lead test assembly; less than adequate; long-time-averaged; low-temperature adsorber
LTAS abbr.
abbr. Lightweight Tactical Army Satellite Communications System
abbr., med. lead tetra-acetate Schiff
abbr., mil. long term armour strategy (qwarty)
abbr., mil., astronaut. launcher telemetry acquisition via satellite
LTAs abbr.
abbr., UN, clim. long term agreements with industry on energy efficiency
LTA abbr.
abbr. logical transient area; long-time-average
abbr., avia. left train arm; line terminal adapter
abbr., earth.sc. long-term average
abbr., math. long-time averaged
abbr., med. lymphotoxin-alpha (ННатальЯ)
abbr., OHS lost-time accident (tajga22)
abbr., oil long-term arrangement; low temperature activator; low-temperature plasma ashing
abbr., space lunar test article
abbr., tech. life time assessment (IgBar)
abbr., UK, USA Landlord and Tenant Act (Moonranger)