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KSI abbr.
abbr. Key Strategic Initiative; KidSave International; Kilopounds per Square Inch; Key Success Indicator (A measure, target or standard, used to manage and gauge the performance of an activity, process or porject. Interex); Kill Status Indicator (военн. сокращ. Watson)
abbr., auto.ctrl. keyswitch input (igisheva)
abbr., avia. Kissidougou, Guinea; key safety indicator; kilopounds kips per square inch; kilo pounds per square inch
abbr., el. keyboard scan input; Kinetic Systems Inc.
abbr., IT Key Stroke Interface
abbr., tradem. Krackeler Scientific, Inc.
abbr., transp. Killed Or Seriously Injured
ksi abbr.
abbr. kip per square inch
KSI abbr.
abbr., avia. kips per square inch