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Grand narrative
| as a
abbr. econ. additions and amendments
| theoretical
abbr. theo
term, refers to | an
abbr. mil. Alphanumeric; Army And Navy; Army Navy; Army Nurse
overarching | and
abbr. IT Logical AND
| comprehensive
ed. comp
| narrative
lit. A story or account. In dramas the narrative generally advances through the action of the play.
| framework
abbr. frwk
| that
book. дабы
seeks to | provide
abbr. med. Patient-Reported Outcomes Validated Instruments DatabasE
| a
abbr. econ. time zone A
unified interpretation | of
abbr. st.exch. Oppenheimer Funds
| complex
abbr. space Committee on Planetary and Lunar Exploration
| historical
gen. usage notes
societal | or
abbr. med. and/or
| philosophical
abbr. phil
| phenomena
NASA abbr. P
- only individual words found

to phrases
grand narrative
gen. Grand narrative, as a theoretical term, refers to an overarching and comprehensive narrative framework that seeks to provide a unified interpretation of complex historical, societal, or philosophical phenomena. (english-studies.net A.Rezvov); In critical theory, and particularly postmodernism, a meta narrative sometimes master- or grand narrative is an abstract idea that is supposed to be a comprehensive explanation of historical experience or knowledge. (researchgate.net A.Rezvov)
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects