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noun | abbreviation
FDD abbr.
abbr. flexible disc drive
abbr., avia. flight deck door; flight description document; flight dynamics division
abbr., meteorol. for declaration purposes only
FDD abbr.
abbr. Fictional Digimon And Digidestined
abbr., avia. Flying Display Director (Flying Display Director (FDD) – 4.4 As defined by Article 86(1) of the ANO no person may act as the organiser of a Flying Display (FDD) without first applying for and obtaining the Permission of the CAA for that display. 4.5 The FDD is the person responsible for the safe conduct of the flying activity carried out pursuant to that Permission, and for compliance with the conditions contained within it.. caa.co.uk 'More)
abbr., biotechn. fluorescence differential display (Игорь_2006)
abbr., busin. Franchise Disclosure Document (H-Jack)
abbr., comp., IT Fast Direct Display
abbr., earth.sc. freezing degree-days
abbr., el. field data distribution; flexible disk drive; functional design document; feedback
abbr., el., scient. Fault Detection Diagnosis
abbr., IT Fixed Disk Drive; floppy disk drive; frequency division duplexing; fixed disk drive
abbr., med. functional digestive disorders
abbr., mil. First Digitized Division; Force Design and Development
abbr., mil., avia. fixed disk device
abbr., nautic. Freight Demurrage Deadfreight
abbr., oil floating drydock
abbr., progr., IT Feature Driven Development
abbr., scottish Forward Divisional Dump
abbr., st.exch. Cit Group, Inc.
abbr., telecom. floppy disk driver
abbr., UN, afr. Forces for the Defence of Democracy
comp., abbr. frequency division duplex
O&G, abbr. final delivery date
tech. floating dry dock
Игорь Миг, abbr. Foundation for Defense of Democracies