
   English thesaurus
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Execution procedure | whereby
abbr. commer. by what; by which
all the information records in a time phased | force
abbr. Focus On Reducing Costs Everywhere
abbr. mil. Finally Organizing Really Cool Events; fuels operational readiness capability equipment
abbr. oncol. Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered; Focus On Rehabilitation and Cancer Education
abbr. oncol. med. Facing Our Risk Of Cancer Empowered; Focus On Rehabilitation And Cancer Education
mil. forecast of conflict environment
| and
abbr. IT Logical AND
| deployment
mil. abbr. dep
| data
comp., net. abbr. D
| are
abbr. archit. scient. Architect Registration Examinations
| confirmed
law abbr. cf.
| error free
 Error Free
comp. abbr. EF
| and
abbr. IT Logical AND
accurately reflect the current status, attributes | and
abbr. IT Logical AND
availability of | units
abbr. post Units for mail conversion rates
| and
abbr. IT Logical AND
| requirements
mil. abbr. req
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
Information technology2
Stock Exchange1