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CIP abbr.
abbr. Capital Improvement Plan; Capital Improvements Program; Carriage And Insurance Paid; Carriage and Insurance Paid; Cast In Place; Community Improvement Program; Continuous Improvement Plan; Continuous Improvement Process; Coating Inspector Program (NACE Пахно Е.А.); Candidate Interoperability Plan; Carriage and Insurance Paid to ... (Vosoni); Cascade Improvement Program; cataloging in publication (ABelonogov); Central Investment Program; Civil Institution Program; Civilian Institution Program; Classical Internet Protocol over ATM; Classical IP over ATM (IP, ATM, IETF); Cleaned-In-Place; Climate Impact Study Program; Clothing Issue Point; Canadian International Paper Co.; chlorinated isotactic polypropylene; Council of Iron Producers; calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase; Combined Interoperability Program; Command Inspection Program; Common Industrial Protocol (ODVA); Common Infrastructure Program; Common ISDN Profile (Bluetooth, CAPI, ISDN); Communicating Interacting Processes; Communications Implementation Plan; Communications Intelligence Program; Communications Interface Processor; Complete Internet Protection; Computer Incorporated People; Computer Integrated Processing; Computer Investment Program; Correlation and Integration Processor; Country Information Package; Critical Intelligence Parameter; Crypto-Ignition Plug; Cryptographic Interface Provider
abbr., agric. cleaning-in-place
abbr., astronaut. Cleaner Industrial Production; co-ordinated instrument package
abbr., audit. Construction-In-Process (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., avia. compressor inlet pressure (Interex); change implementation point; cold isopressing; Commission Internationale de Parachutisme; critical installation point; cabin interphone; central integrated processor; certified inspection plot; change implementation plan; change improvement plan; conformed inspection pattern; control indicator panel; control interface processor; configuration item product fabrication; cryogenic insulation program; correlation and interpolation processor; customer interface panel
abbr., bank. Customer Identification Program (США aht)
abbr., biotechn. Chromosomal integration plasmid (Altuntash)
abbr., busin. cipher
abbr., chem. chemical injection package (MichaelBurov)
abbr., commer. carriage, insurance paid to
abbr., comp., net. common industrial protocol (Челядник Евгений); complex information processing
abbr., earth.sc. capable of improving the geochemical properties; carriage & insurance paid to......; contour interpolation package
abbr., ed. course in progress (https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20121217105015AAfuOz8 aldrignedigen)
abbr., ed., scient. Classification Of Instructional Programs
abbr., el. common isochronous packet (header); CDMA interface peripheral; certificated Internet proficient; chip-in-place (testing); common input processor; communication interception post; communication interrupt program; compatible independent peripherals; computer integrated production; congestion indication primitive; cryptographic information protection; current injection probe
abbr., el., scient. Continuous Improvement Program
abbr., el.com. Chinese information processing
abbr., facil. clean-in-place (см. COP vlad-and-slav)
abbr., file.ext. Command Interface Port; Common Indexing Protocol
abbr., fin. Customer Initiated Payment (Ремедиос_П)
abbr., food.ind. Clean In Place
abbr., geol. carbon in pulp
abbr., goldmin. carbon in pulp process (MichaelBurov); carbon-in-pulp (MichaelBurov); carbon-in-pulp process (MichaelBurov); coal in pulp (less hits MichaelBurov); carbon in pulp (more hits MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Carrier Identification Parameter; Channel Interface Processor; control and information protocol (Челядник Евгений); commerce interchange pipeline
abbr., karate. communication and information processing
abbr., law Challenge Incarceration Program; The Common Indexing Protocol; freight/carriage and insurance paid to (...)
abbr., logist. carriage and insurance paid to (spanishru)
abbr., manag. Common International Process (ВВладимир)
abbr., med. Care Information Provision; Chronic Idiopathic Polyradiculoneuropathy; Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction; Collection De L'Institut Pasteur; International Foot And Ankle Society; cleaning in place (harser); condensed image processing (harser); chloroform-isomyl-alcohol-phenol; Clinical Investigator Program; cystic intestinal pneumatosis; clinical investigation plan (ННатальЯ)
abbr., meteorol. Cataloging In Publication
abbr., microbiol. Pasteur Institute Collection (reference strains, France coltuclu)
abbr., mil. Capital Investment Program; Career Intern Program; Central Imagery Processor; Collision Intervention Processor; Combat Identification Panel; Critical Infrastructure Protection; common intelligence picture; communications improvement plan; communications interface processor; critical infrastructure protection
abbr., mil., avia. call information processing
abbr., mil., WMD Comprehensive Implementation Plan
abbr., mining. cast-iron pipe
abbr., O&G, casp. competent instrument person (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Chemical Injection Package
abbr., oil carriage and insurance paid; cement in place; closed-in pressure; cast-in-place; cataloguing in publication; class improvement plan; closed in pressure; coastal initial point; common image point (gather); constant injection pressure; continuous impedance profiling; control inlet panel; conversion in place
abbr., opt. cold isostatic pressing
abbr., org.name. International Potato Center; Communications Infrastructure Project
abbr., patents. continuation-in-part (Yakov)
abbr., physiol. Cognitive Inventory Profile
abbr., police Community Investment Prospectus
abbr., product. contractor implementation plan (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., progr. common industrial protocol (общий промышленный протокол; ГОСТ Р ИСО 15745-4–2010 ssn); common isochronous packet (ssn)
abbr., proj.manag. carriage & insurance paid to
abbr., scottish Common Imagery Processor; Common Integrated Processor; Component Improvement Program (USA)
abbr., securit. cash index participation
abbr., space central information processor; cold-isopressing; communications interrupt program; computer-integrated production; console interface program; crop identification performance
abbr., tech. clean in place (Метран); carriage and insurance paid to named place of destination
abbr., telecom. Construction in Progress (triumfov)
abbr., textile carriage including insurance paid to
abbr., tradem. Check It Products
abbr., transp. Capital Investment Plan
energ.ind. clean-in-place; contract implementation phase
FBI. Counterintelligence Program
int.transport. Carriage and insurance paid to (Incoterms)
mil. central information post; civilian instruction program; combat information plot; combat information processor; combat intelligence plan; combined instrument panel; command information program; communications improvement program; component improvement program; composite interface program; consolidated intelligence program; cost improvement program; counterinsurgency plan
oil, abbr. cast iron pipe
tech. call information processing; central region communications improvement program; containment improvement program; controlled impedance package
cip abbr.
abbr. continuation-in-part application
fin. covered interest parity (Baykus); construction in process (Метран)