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noun | abbreviation
Bd abbr.
abbr. Bagdad; remanent induction
Bd. abbr.
abbr., fin. bond
BD abbr.
abbr. Baby Dance; Bondage And Discipline; Brian Dowling; Brian Doyle; Brown Dwarf; Building And Development; Building Designer; Bachelor of Divinity; battle dressing; Battlefield Distribution; belt drive (Yuriy83); Big Digits; barrels daily (barrels per day); base detonation; bent down; bul density; boom defence; Baby's Daddy; Big deal; Bills Discounted; binary decoder; Bitch Dog; block diagrams (eternalduck); Blocker Deflector; Bottom Down; Bounded Distortion; Bis In Die Twice Daily; Bank Draft
abbr., adv. business director
abbr., automat. base diameter; bore diameter
abbr., avia. background data; blank display; block diagram (general system layout); blocker door; bus drum; base date; battle damage; beginning of descent; blanking die; bonding die
abbr., busin. bank discount; Basic Document; bind; boulevard
abbr., cables building distributor (MichaelBurov); distributor B (MichaelBurov); ICC (MichaelBurov); intermediate cross connect (MichaelBurov); intermediate cross-connect (MichaelBurov); intermediate crossconnect (MichaelBurov); IC (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem., scient. Black Diamond
abbr., cinema Bondage Dominance
abbr., commer. Bermuda Dollar; Bahamian dollar; Barbados dollar; Brunei dollar
abbr., comp. binary divider
abbr., construct. Baltic Datum (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., earth.sc. backdeeps; biotite diorite
abbr., EBRD Banking Department (raf)
abbr., ed. Behaviorally Disordered
abbr., el. backlit display; back scattering detector; ballistic diode; bank descriptor; beam diameter; binary divider; block decrease
abbr., electr.eng. breakdown; bus duct
abbr., fin. Bahraini Dinar
abbr., forestr. biomass density
abbr., health. bed-day (igisheva)
abbr., hi-fi Blu-Ray Disc
abbr., inet. Big Dummy
abbr., IT Back Door; Bad Disk
abbr., life.sc. DNA binding domain
abbr., market. brand development (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., med. Binocular Deprivation; Blood Donor; Blue Diaper (syndrome); Board; Buoyant Density; Brain Damage; Brain Dead, Brain Death; Bronchodilation; Bronchodilator; Buerger disease; Behcet's disease (ННатальЯ); base deficit; basophilic degeneration; bile duct; block design (psychology); borderline dull; brain death; buccodistal; Birth Day (ННатальЯ)
abbr., media. Bilingual Dictionary
abbr., met. basic design
abbr., mil. base detonating fuze; barge derrick
abbr., mil., air.def. bearing-distance
abbr., mining. blowing dust
abbr., multimed. blu-ray
abbr., mus. bass drum (бас-барабан Technical)
abbr., O&G, casp. batch drilling (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. blow down
abbr., oil barrels of distillate; bedded; budgeted depth; building derrick; 1, 4-butanediol; Bahrain Dinar; base deflection; below detection; bend down; benzidine; bit diameter; body diameter; Boolean difference; boundary displacement; butanediol dicaprylate
abbr., ophtalm. Best’s disease (болезнь Беста doc090); base down (призма основанием вниз, 270 градусов doc090)
abbr., phys. incremental induction
abbr., physiol. Birth Date; Brain Development
abbr., physiol., med. Birth date
abbr., plast. butanediol
abbr., polit. Bangladesh; Bermuda
abbr., polym. barrels per day; bulk density
abbr., progr. Boolean differential (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Background Debug
abbr., psychiat. behavior disorder (поведенческое расстройство doc090)
abbr., scient. Bachelor's Degree
abbr., scottish Battle Doctrine
abbr., securit. bad delivery
abbr., sex bondage & discipline (в контексте ролевой игры MichaelBurov)
abbr., space bearing and distance; biological defense; Bonner Durchmusterung
abbr., st.exch. Budget Group, Inc.
abbr., tech. bucket ladder/ elevator dredger; backhoe dredge
abbr., telecom. building distributor
abbr., vet.med. Borna disease
abbr., vet.med., med. Beagle Dog
abbr., work.fl. bibliographic description
energ.ind. baseline document; block-diagonal
invest. bank draft; bill discounted; broker-dealer
meteorol. basic documents; bone dry
mil. base depot; base detonating; battle dress; block diagram; blocking device; bomb dispenser; bomb disposal; branch detail
O&G boiler blowdown
rude Big dick
tech. backward diode; band; barrels daily; below day; binary device; binary digit; binary divide; binary-to-decimal; binary-to-decimal conversion; blowdown; bone-dry; bougie decimale; bulldozer; bus driver; decimal candle; switchboard
wood. teeth with alternately bevelled backs and fronts
BD. abbr.
abbr., econ. bank draft
Bd abbr.
abbr. bis die (2 раза в сутки Dimpassy); bed; bedding; butadiene
abbr., el. baud
abbr., genet. beaded wing
abbr., opt. baud
bd abbr.
abbr. board; bond; bound; boundary
abbr., earth.sc. beudantite
IT bit density
mining. broad
polym. brought down; bundle
bd. abbr.
abbr., econ. bound (for)
abbr., libr. bundle
abbr., med. boundary
abbr., tech. board
insur. Bonded