
   English thesaurus
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A person in authority empowered to impose discipline | on
abbr. IT The Operators For Not
abbr. med. Occipitonuchal; Office Nurse; Olfactory Nucleus; Onlay; Optic Nerve; Orthopedic Nurse
| subordinates
abbr. mil. subor
| and
abbr. IT Logical AND
| give
abbr. Generous Individuals Volunteering Everyday
| them
abbr. Themescapes, Inc.
| orders
abbr. mil. nautic. or
| A
abbr. econ. time zone A
superior to | whom
abbr. med. World Health Organization
| other
abbr. astronaut. mil. ot
servicemen | are
abbr. archit. scient. Architect Registration Examinations
| subordinate
abbr. mil. subor
in the course of duty even if only temporarily is known as | a
abbr. econ. time zone A
direct superior | The
abbr. med. Tetrahydrocortisone E
direct superior closest in rank | to a
abbr. space telescope optical assembly
| subordinate
abbr. mil. subor
is known as | an
abbr. st.exch. Automation, Inc. of Delaware
immediate superior | A
abbr. econ. time zone A
| serviceman
mil. abbr. sm
| may
abbr. M
also be | a
abbr. econ. time zone A
| superior
abbr. sup
by virtue of | his
abbr. med. Hospital Infection Society
| rank
abbr. physiol. med. Receptor Activator Of Nf Kappa
| For instance
 for instance
abbr. f.i.
| generals
insur. General cargoes
| and
abbr. IT Logical AND
colonels | are
abbr. archit. scient. Architect Registration Examinations
| the
abbr. med. Tetrahydrocortisone E
| superiors
abbr. sup
of all servicemen | including
abbr. inc
the level of | junior officer
 junior officer
abbr. jo
| 2
abbr. chem. biphenyl
| The
abbr. med. Tetrahydrocortisone E
incumbent | of
abbr. st.exch. Oppenheimer Funds
an establishment | post
abbr. mil. Passive Optical Seeker Technique
in charge of | a
abbr. econ. time zone A
| headquarters
abbr. mil. hdqr
| specialized support troops
a service | a
abbr. econ. time zone A
military education establishment | etc
abbr. st.exch. Environmental Tectonics Corporation
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
A person
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
International transportation1