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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
trim [trɪm] n
comp., MS يخفي أجزاءً (To hide parts of a file or clip without deleting them from the original source. Files and clips can be trimmed by adjusting the start or end trim point)
med. يَشْطُب أسنان يَشْطُب
nautic., transp. وَسْق أو رَصُّ البضاعة
O&G. tech. وازنة
wood. شذب   ؛سوى
trimming ['trɪmɪŋ] v
math. تشذيب
 English thesaurus
TRIM [trɪm] abbr.
abbr., avia. task related instruction methodology   ؛test resource information module   ؛time related instruction management
abbr., nautic., scient. Tidal Residual Intertidal Mudflat
trim [trɪm] n
insur. Trimming
trim. abbr.
abbr., radio tri-mask technique
polym. trimetric
TRIM [trɪm] abbr.
abbr. test rules for inventory management   ؛Team Rule Information Meeting   ؛Tower Records Information Management   ؛Trade- Related Investment Measure   ؛Trimfast Group, Inc.
abbr., ed., scient. Term Rewrite Instruction Machine
abbr., el. three mask process   ؛trimask process   ؛trajectories of ions in material   ؛transmit-receive, inverse modulation   ؛trimmer   ؛tri-mask
abbr., el., scient. Transport of Ions in Matter
abbr., fin. targeted review of internal models (grafleonov)   ؛trade-related investment measure
abbr., food.ind. Taiwan Rice Insertional Mutant
abbr., law Tenants Rights Initiative Of Massachusetts
abbr., med. Temporal resolution improvement method (iwona)   ؛transfusion-related immune modulation (inspirado)
abbr., nautic., scient. Terrain Resource Inventory Mapping
abbr., oil tool review and inspection monthly   ؛trade-related investment measures
abbr., scottish Time Resolved Impulse & Momentum
abbr., space time-related instruction management   ؛trail/ roads interdiction multisensor
energ.ind. targeted regulatory improvement
mil. target radiant intensity measurements   ؛technical requirements identification matrix   ؛timely responsive integrated multiuse system   ؛training requirements and information management   ؛transformation of imagery
tech. tri-mask technology
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
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