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Add [æd] n
comp., MS إضافة (A button on the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box. Once a call is connected, clicking Add adds the call to the current conversation)
add [æd] v
gen. تضيف   ؛جمع
econ. أضاف
added ['ædɪd] v
gen. تضاف
add [æd] adj.
comp., MS يضيف (To join or combine thereby increasing the quantity or size of something)
math. إجمع
 English thesaurus
ADD [æd] abbr.
abbr., avia. aircraft description data base   ؛aircraft design declaration   ؛airstreams direction detector
abbr., ed. anti-dumping duties
Add [æd] abbr.
abbr. addendum
abbr., oil additive
Add. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. addenda
add [æd] abbr.
abbr. address
add. abbr.
abbr. addition   ؛address   ؛adding   ؛additional
add [æd] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. adding
add. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. addendum
abbr., med. adductor   ؛adduction
abbr., med., lat. adde
add [æd] abbr.
abbr., oil additional
polym. addition
add. abbr.
silic. additive
ADD [æd] abbr.
abbr. Administration on Developmental Disabilities   ؛Agency For Defense Development   ؛Aerosols Dispensers Directive (A Hun)   ؛AGP Digital Display (adapter, AGP)   ؛Assistant Deputy Director (DIA)   ؛Automatic Document Detection (WordPerfect Lena Nolte)   ؛airstream direction detector   ؛Armament Design Department
abbr., automat. automatic document distribution   ؛automatic data distribution (ssn)
abbr., avia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia   ؛Air Display Director
abbr., busin. addendum ((复)addenda)   ؛addressed
abbr., comp. address defined
abbr., ed. Arithmetic Developed Daily
abbr., el. automatic data digitizing
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Astral Destruction Dragon
abbr., file.ext. OS/2 adapter device driver (Vosoni)
abbr., fire. actual delivered density (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., IT Adapter Device Driver   ؛Address   ؛automated data distribution (автоматическое распределение данных Углов)
abbr., lat. addatur (let there be added = пусть туда будут добавлено (надпись на рецепте); сокр. Углов)
abbr., law Adult Discipline Disorder
abbr., med. acute diarrheal disease (capricolya)   ؛Administration On Developmental Disabilities   ؛attention deficit disorder (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., meteorol. airstream direction detector (датчик направления воздушного потока (защищённый от срыва воздушного потока); сокр. Углов)
abbr., mil. Anti Drone Defense   ؛assign on-line diagnostic
abbr., mil., navy Artificer Deep Diver (сокр.)
abbr., O&G acceptable daily dose (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Allowable Daily Dose
abbr., oil automated diagram drafting   ؛automatic directional drilling
abbr., org.name. Addis Ababa Liaison Office
abbr., physiol. Adenosine Deaminase Deficiency   ؛Alcohol and Drug Dependency
abbr., physiol., med. Addiction   ؛Adduction
abbr., progr. algebraic decision diagram (ssn)
abbr., scottish Agency for Defence Development (Korea, South)
abbr., space allowable deferred deficiency   ؛architectural design document
abbr., tech. aerospace digital development (A)
abbr., UN, sl., drug. attention deficit disorder
meteorol., abbr. additional flight
mil. acoustic discrimination of decoys   ؛arming decision device
mil., abbr. abstracts of declassified documents   ؛acoustic detection device   ؛advanced development division   ؛air defense district   ؛air defense division   ؛analog data digitizer   ؛automatic distribution of documents   ؛automation data distribution
O&G, abbr. addition block
physiol., abbr. Adduct
tech., abbr. automatic drawing device
TV, abbr. adder
ADD. abbr.
abbr., busin. addressed
addr [æd] abbr.
insur. Address commission
: 31 phrases in 4 subjects
United Nations1