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PEM abbr.
abbr. Purchased Equipment Maintenance; program execution monitor
abbr., adv. permission e-mail marketing
abbr., auto. pump electronic module
abbr., avia. Puerto Maldonado, Peru; performance engineers manual; performance engineer's manual; plant engineering and maintenance; program evaluation monitor; Power Electronics Module (ВосьМой)
abbr., busin. Production Engineering Measure
abbr., chem., scient. Polymer Electrolyte Membrane
abbr., earth.sc. parabolic equation method; parameter estimation method; photoelectromagnetic effect; piezoelectric method; pollution episodic model; Potomac Estuary Model; primitive equation model; pulse electromagnetic system
abbr., ecol. pseudo excitation method
abbr., econ. policy evaluation matrix
abbr., el. photoelectromagnetic; payload electronic module; performance enhancement module; performance evaluation model; photoelastic modulation; photoelastic modulator; photoelectron multiplier; plasma equipment model; plastic encapsulated microcircuit; positive electron microscope; predictive emissions monitor; privacy electronic mail; privacy enhanced messaging; process equipment modeling; process execution module; processing element memory; producibility evaluation method; prediction error module
abbr., el., scient. Photo Elastic Modulator
abbr., file.ext. Privacy-Enhanced Mail (Internet); Program Editor macro (WordPerfect Library)
abbr., fin. public expenditure management
abbr., food.ind. Pathogen Environmental Monitoring (hellamarama)
abbr., gas.proc. proton exchange membrane (amorgen)
abbr., IT Physical Electronic Mail; Program Editor macro; product expansion module
abbr., Makarov. photoelectron microscopy
abbr., med. Precordial Electrocardiographic Monitoring; Protein Energy Malnutrition; Protein-energy Malnutrition; Pulmonary Endothelial Membrane; Prescription-Event Monitoring (система мониторинга назначений kat_j); protein-energy malnutrition; proportional excess mortality
abbr., mil. Program Element Monitor; Proton Exchange Membrane; Precision Engagement Modification (qwarty)
abbr., mil., avia. particle environment monitor
abbr., nucl.pow. polymer electrolyte membrane (amorgen)
abbr., O&G physical effect modeling (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Project Engineering Manager
abbr., O&G, sakh. Physical Effects Modelling
abbr., oil parametric emission monitoring; photo-electromagnetic effect; prospect evaluation memorandum; proton-exchange membranes; pulsed electromagnetic method; pulse encode modulation
abbr., physiol., med. Parasitic Encephalitic Meningitis
abbr., polym. polyethyl methacrylate (A)
abbr., progr. partial enterprise model (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Plesk Enterprise Manager
abbr., scottish Polymer Electrolyte Membrane fuel cell
abbr., sec.sys., IT Privacy Enhanced Mail
abbr., space parametric estimation model; particle environment monitor; performance evaluation missile
abbr., tech. plasma emission monitor (плазменно-эмиссионный детектор greyhead); Power Entry Module (Uljan)
abbr., tradem. Penn Engineering And Manufacturing; Precision Engineered Models
comp. particles environmental monitor
mil. payload ejection mechanism; performance evaluation monitoring; phased equipment modernization; photographic equipment and materials; Polaris evaluation missile; probable error of measurement; product effectiveness manual; production engineering measures; program element monitor; project engineering memorandum
tech. payload electronics module; processor expansion module