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CWS abbr.
abbr. coal-water slurry; Canadian Wildlife Service; Charles Williams Society; Chemical Warfare School; Church World Service; community water supply (коммунального водоснабжения olga_zv); community water system (olga_zv); Compartmented Work Station; control wheel steering; Coz Were Shit; Classification While Scanning (smovas); cold-water soluble
abbr., avia. Center Island, Washington USA; center warning system (Interex); collision warning system; cabin work station; caution and warning status; center wireless station; containerised weapon system
abbr., BrE central wireless station
abbr., busin. check with script
abbr., corp.gov. compressed working schedule
abbr., el. compiler writing system
abbr., file.ext. Stationery (ClarisWorks)
abbr., inet. Cool Web Stuff
abbr., IT Coalition for Working Systems; Stationery
abbr., manag. current working schedule
abbr., med. Cell Wall Skeleton; Child Welfare Service; cold water-soluble
abbr., media. Cooperative Wholesale Society
abbr., mil. Chemical Warfare Service; Collision Warning System; Color Workstation; commander's weapon station
abbr., mil., air.def. control warning system
abbr., mil., WMD cooling water system
abbr., O&G, sakh. Chaivo wellsite
abbr., oil Canadian Welding Society; chilled water supply; colding water supply; cross well seismic
abbr., patents. Committee on WIPO Standards (Комитет по стандартам ВОИС. Учреждён на генеральной ассамблее стран-членов ВОИС, проходившей в 2009 году. http://www.wipo.int/cws/en/ Dimitrij)
abbr., physiol. Cotton-Wool Spots
abbr., polym. cold water soluble
abbr., scottish Cluster Weapon System; Co-ordination & Warning System (Denmark); Common Weapon Sight (UK); Cupola Weapon Station
abbr., space caution and warning system
abbr., tech. Canada-wide Standard (Kenny Gray)
abbr., textile Cotton World Statistics
abbr., tradem. Centronics Web Systems; Cleaning And Washing Services; Cycle Wholesalers Service
mil. central warning system; Collateral Workstation (ASAS); container weapon system; Continental wage schedule; crew weapons sight
tech. central warning site; chilled-water system; circulating water system; civilian warning service; compressed work schedule; container weapon system, standoff missile
cws abbr.
abbr. clockwise
abbr., el. clock wise
polym. confer with script
cws. abbr.
abbr., libr. Check with script; confer with script