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verb | verb | to phrases
нанюхавшийся prtc.stresses
gen. junked up (наркотиков)
sl., drug. spun (VLZ_58)
slang snowed
нанюхаться v
gen. get high (наркотиков); be intoxicated (with); smell to heart's content
Gruzovik smell to one's heart's content (pf of нанюхиваться); be intoxicated with (pf of нанюхиваться)
inf. dirty by sniffing; get the scent (of); fly; smell out
slang get all jacked up on (You get all jacked up on hot glue fumes and come up to the counter and demand that I call another store for unicorn cupcake sparkle stickers because you "really need them, this is an emergency." 4uzhoj)
нанюхать v
Gruzovik, inf. smell out (pf of нанюхивать); dirty by sniffing (pf of нанюхивать); get the scent of (pf of нанюхивать)
inf. dirty by sniffing; get the scent (of)
нанюхавшийся: 3 phrases in 1 subject