
   German English
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environ. test
IT dat.proc. checking
pharma. environ. analysis
gen. checking
tech. debugging; testing
comp., MS test
IT testing
tech. test
gen. testing
| analysis
gen. analysis
| report
tech. report
- only individual words found

noun | verb | verb | to phrases
Test m -(e)s, -s
gen. check
chem. test (Prüfung/Bestimmungsmethode); investigation (Untersuchung); examination (exam); study; search
comp., MS probe (A process that checks that a memory-address range is in user-mode address space and that the range can be read or written in the context of the current process)
IT program test
labor.org., tech. production test
phys. examination; inspection
psychol. probe
tech. assay; attempt; testing; trial
Tests m
gen. tests
patents. testing services
Test v
gen. test
AI. justification
anal.chem. statistical test
comp. checkout; verification; proof
environ. test To carry out an examination on (a substance, material, or system) by applying some chemical or physical procedure designed to indicate the presence of a substance or the possession of a property
IT, dat.proc. checking
pharma., environ. analysis
testen v
chem. investigate; analyze
comp., MS test (To check program correctness by trying out various sequences and input values)
construct. check (Material)
IT testing
tech. test
Testen v
gen. checking
tech. debugging; testing
testet v
gen. tests
преф. Test- v
nucl.phys. test
testend v
gen. testing
statistischer Test v
anal.chem. statistical test
 German thesaurus
patents. Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms
test. v
gen. testamentarisch
Test. abbr.
abbr. Testament
tE abbr.
abbr., energ.ind. Entnahmedampftemperatur
test analysis
: 3 phrases in 1 subject
Health care3