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обычный adj.stresses
gen. usual; customary; habitual; common; conventional (of weapons); current; accustomed; average; everyday; frequent; natural; normal (I'm an angry flyer. But it isn't the poor service, cramped seats, or high prices that raise my ire – you know, the kinds of things that get normal people's blood boiling.); regular; rife; routine; common or garden; common-or-garden; consuetudinary; unexceptional; copy-book; outright; custumal; honest; informal; uneventful; nickel and dime; nickel-and-dimed; nickel-and-diming; nickeled-and-dimed; nickeling-and-diming; all-too-familiar (tavost); ordinary; non-matching (KirsanovaBrE); primitive; mundane (bigmaxus); traditionary; commonsensical (Азери); plain-vanilla (Alexander Demidov); static (стандартный; More intensive competition, apart from its static benefits, can also widen the range of financial services available to clients. 4uzhoj); typical; commonplace; general; familiar; run-of-the-mill (какой-нибудь там RISS is not your run-of-the-mill think tank. Until 2009, it was part of the SVR. • I was just a very average run-of-the-mill kind of student.); knee jerk; oh-so-simple (Ufel Trabel); customable; wonted; banal (Tonsillitis is an inflammation, acute or chronic, banal or specific, localized to a tonsil. I. Havkin); mainline (wiktionary.org epoost); oft; run of the mill; middle-of-the road (VLZ_58); unremarkable (VLZ_58); undistinguished (VLZ_58); unmemorable (VLZ_58); forgettable (VLZ_58); humdrum (VLZ_58); nondescript (VLZ_58); prosaic (VLZ_58); uninspiring (VLZ_58); uninteresting (VLZ_58); bland (VLZ_58); lackluster (VLZ_58); unimpressive (VLZ_58); mediocre (VLZ_58); tame (VLZ_58); colorless (VLZ_58)
Игорь Миг lowly
amer. run-of-the-mine
archit. repeatable
auto. orthodox
book. nomic
comp. standard
comp., MS generic (ssn); regular (Having a font weight that corresponds to a weight class value of 400 according to the OpenType specification)
context. original (в знач. "прежний" Ding_an_sich)
dial. brief (о болезни)
dipl. nonatomic (об оружии)
dril. off-the-shelf
ecol. trivial
econ. straight; prevailing (A.Rezvov)
el. indifferent; proper
energ.ind. regular (напр., о режиме работы, эксплуатации)
formal wont
humor. standard, everyday (For decades residents of a Florida town have been enthralled by the mystery of a 35-foot-long creature allegedly lurking in the nearby waters. One of the main arguments was that there was a noticeable drop in the amount of hyacinths that lined the water’s edge, but many claimed this was just the work of a standard, every day cow. (dailystar.co.uk) ART Vancouver)
idiom. button-down (Interex); common-and-garden (Ordinary, standard. Interex)
inet. physical (не онлайновый A.Rezvov)
inf. organic (процесс, ход дела chronik); go-to (my go-to shirt, store, girl joyand); ushe (short for "usual" Taras); average-ass (Taras); no great shakes (VLZ_58)
Makarov. of common occurrence; pedestrian; regulation; accepted
math. vulgar; an ordinary conventional, common experiment
med. tradition; free-living (имеющий место при обычном образе жизни igisheva)
med., book. quotidian
media. conventional
mil. nonnuclear; conventional (не ядерный Киселев)
mil., avia. normal
obs. consuetudinal; accustomable
patents. ordinary
physiol. knee-jerk
polym. plain
progr. straight-through (ssn); basic (ssn); raw (ssn); simple (о проекте ssn); good old (Alex_Odeychuk); convenient (ssn)
qual.cont. plain (напр., о конструкции, методе)
relig., lat. Ordinarius ("ordinary", Ord.)
slang slob; man-on-the-street (Interex); cut and dried
tech. traditional; regular-duty
tib. phyal ba
torped. simple
USA white-bread (VLZ_58)
vulg. plebby
water.res. normal (полноцветный режим просмотра)
обычное adj.
gen. rut; the general run of something, что-либо; common
Makarov. general run of something (что-либо); the general run of something (что-либо)
rel., budd. conventional
обычная adj.
IT typical (установка)
O&G RMA (стандартная) глинокислота, обычная (стандартная) грязевая кислота (regular mud acid Углов)
нечто обычное adj.
slang cotton-picking; picking
что-либо обычное adj.
Makarov. the inevitable
обычно adv.
gen. usually (I usually get home at about six o'clock. • Usually I just have a sandwich. cambridge.org); it is conventional; vulgo; commonly; actually; nine times out of ten; by convention; as a rule; as a general rule; by ordinary; as a general as a usual thing; usu. (от "usually"); normal (zeev); more often than not (Franka_LV); for the most part; in normal cases (gorbulenko); all over; in general; normally; in character; by default (по общему правилу financial-engineer); generally (People generally don't go swimming in the buff in public places.); otherwise (в знач. "в других обстоятельствах": Trying to exert conscious control over something that is otherwise automatic • Otherwise I wouldn't share it, but at the moment it seems like a good idea. DoctorKto); vulgarly; habitually (Notburga); customarily (tarantula); familiarly; ordinarily; customarily; mostly; frequently; usual
cliche. on any given day (о деятельности: Back in college, my friends and I would always all go to the cafeteria across campus together for lunch. There were about 8-10 of us on any given day so normally you had 3-4 of us in a huddle followed by the other 3-4. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
context. would (An assembly is what we would call a component — Сборкой называется то, что мы обычно называем компонентом. Alex_Odeychuk)
formal it is general practice (о выполнении какого-либо действия igisheva)
gram. always will (указывает на повторяющееся, привычное действие: All nurses always will think that I'd like a nice cup of tea at 8 o'clock in the morning. – Все медсестры обычно думают, что я бы хотел чашечку чая в 8 утра. Alex_Odeychuk)
inf. have a way (of doing something; =have a tendency to: Cheer up – these problems have a way of working out. • Bosses have a way of always finding out about such things. • The powerful have a way of establishing contracts that suit them. 4uzhoj)
IT most commonly
law tend to (Though foreign multinationals frequently buy from these companies, which are their global suppliers, Russian firms tend to favor the large, well-known domestic players or have a favored small operator – which then goes to the major players to buy national and global connectivity. TMT Alexander Demidov); as a general principle (Sergey.Cherednichenko)
Makarov. as rule; as a general thing; as a usual thing
math. be normal practice; it is common practice; traditionally; used to; regularly; routinely; characteristically; conventionally; often
mech.eng. the usual (dmithree)
media. classically
oil typically
patents. ordinary; ordinarily
psychol. as things go
tech. classically (Classically this equation is used to illustrate – обычно это уравнение... Yakov F.)
Обычно adv.
mech. it is common practice to (do something)
обычно несколько
: 8 phrases in 2 subjects
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